CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Time Is Everything

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Lesley Kidd (UK) & Hayley Goy (UK) - 1 February 2023
Everything You Need - Skerryvore
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Intro: 32 counts

SECTION 1: Heel grind ¼ turn, coaster step, rock forward, recover, shuffle ¾ turn.
1-2Rock fwd R heel twisting R toe from L to R making ¼ turn R, recover weight to L (3:00)
3&4Step back R, step L beside R, step fwd R
5-6Rock fwd L, recover weight to R
7&8Turn ½ L stepping L fwd, step R beside L, turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (6:00)

SECTION 2: Side rock, recover, cross shuffle X2
1-2Rock R to R side, recover weight to L
3&4Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
5-6Rock L to L side, recover weight to R
7&8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R

SECTION 3: Kick ball-cross X2, side rock, recover, behind and step forward
1&2Kick R to R diagonal, step on ball of R beside L, step L across R
3&4Kick R to R diagonal, step on ball of R beside L, step L across R
5-6Rock R to R side, recover weight to L
7&8Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R fwd

SECTION 4: Shuffle ½ turn, shuffle ¼ turn, syncopated jazz box
1&2Turn ¼ R stepping L to side, step R beside L, turn ¼ R stepping L back
3&4Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side (3:00)
5-6Step L across R, step back R
&7-8Step on ball of L beside R step R across L, step L to L Side

SECTION 5: Kick and point X2, cross rock, recover, side rock, recover
1&2Kick R fwd, step R beside L, point L to L side
3&4Kick L fwd, step L beside R, point R to R side
5-6Rock R across L, recover weight to L
7-8Rock R to R side, recover weight to L

SECTION 6: Cross shuffle, ½ hinge turn, cross, side, sailor heel
1&2Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
3-4Turn ¼ R stepping back L, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side
5-6Step L across R, step R to R side
7&8Step L behind R, step R to R side, tap L heel to L diagonal (9:00)

SECTION 7: Step, cross shuffle, turn, cross shuffle, 4X boogie walks
&1&2Step L beside R, step R across L, step L beside R, step R across L
3&4Turn ½ L keeping weight on R stepping L across R, step R beside L, step L across R (3:00)
5-6Turn ¼ R on ball of R foot, towards diagonal, step fwd on L squaring to 6:00
7-8Step on ball of R, swivelling to diagonal, step fwd on L squaring to 6:00

SECTION 8: Side, behind, and heel, and cross X2
1-2Step R to R side, step L behind R
&3&4Step R beside L, tap L heel to L diagonal, step L beside R, step R across L
5-6Step L to L side, step R behind L
&7&8Step L beside R, tap R heel to R diagonal, step R beside L, step L across R

TAG: There is one tag, danced three times, once at the end of wall 2, and twice at the end of wall 5
SECTION 1: Heel and touch X2, toe switches to side X2, heel switches to front X2
1&2Tap R heel fwd, step R beside L, tap ball of L beside R
3&4Tap L heel fwd, step L beside R, tap ball of R beside L
5&6&Point R to R side, step R beside L, point L to L side, step L beside R
7&8Tap R heel fwd, step R beside L, Tap L heel forward

SECTION 2: Ball, rock forward, recover, shuffle ½ turn, rock, recover, coaster step
&1-2Step L beside R, rock fwd on R, recover weight to L
3&4Turn ¼ R stepping R to side, step L beside R, turn ¼ R stepping R fwd.
5-6Rock forward L, recover weight to R
7&8Step back L, step R beside L, step forward L

SECTIONS 3&4: Repeat first 2 sections.

Julie Gillmore March 10, 2023
Great dance x had fun teaching this one, popular in class 🤩

CarolB March 20, 2023
Class loved it dancing this !
It’s a lovely flowing dance 😊x

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