Intro - 12 beats
S1. Twinkle R, L
1-3.Step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R
4-6.Step R over L, step L to L, step R next to L
S2. L waltz step fwd, turning 1/2 L, L waltz step fwd
1-3.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Turning 1/2 L, step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
S3. Twinkle R, L
1-3.Step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R
4-6.Step R over L, step L to L, step R next to L
S4. L waltz step fwd, R waltz step back
1-3.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Step R back, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S5. Step slide diagonally R, step slide diagonally L
1-3.Step R diagonally R, pause, slide L next to R
4-6.Step L diagonally L, pause, slide R next to L
S6. R waltz step back, L waltz step fwd
1-3.Step R back, step L next to R, step R on the spot
4-6.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step Lon the spot
S7. Turning 1/2 L, L waltz step fwd, turning 1/2 R, R waltz step fwd
1-3.Turning 1/2 L step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Turning 1/2 R step R fwd, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S8. L, R sailor step
1-3.Step R behind L, step L fwd, step R next to L
4-6.Step L behind R, step R fwd, step L next to R
Tag 1.
S1. Turning 1/4 R, twinkle L, twinkle R (9 o’clock)
1-3.Turning 1/4 R step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R
4-6.Step R over L, step L to L, step R next to L
S2. Rpt S1 (6 o’clock)
S3. Turning 1/4 L, twinkle R, twinkle L (9 o’clock)
1-3.Turning 1/4 L, step R over L, step L to L, step R next to L
4-6.Step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R
S4. Rpt S3 (12 o’clock)
Tag 2.
S1. Side waltz step R, L
1-3.Step R to R, step L next to R, step R on the spot
4-6.Step L to L, step R next to L, step L on the spot
S2. Side waltz step L, R
1-3.Step L to L, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Step R to R, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S3. Rock L back, rock R fwd
1-2.Rock back L, rock fwd R
S4. L waltz step fwd, R waltz step back
1-3.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Step R back, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S5. R waltz step back, L waltz step fwd
1-3.Step R back, step L next to R, step R on the spot
4-6.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
S6. Rock R back, rock L fwd
1-2.Rock back R, rock fwd L
S7. L diagonal waltz step R, pause, rpt
1-3.Step R diagonally out L, return weight to L, pause
4-6.Rock R diagonally out L, return weight to L, straightening up return R next to L
S8. R diagonal waltz step L, pause, rpt
1-3.Step L diagonally out R, return weight to R, pause
4-6.Step L diagonally out R, return weight to L, straightening up return L next to R
S9. Turning 1/2 L, L waltz step fwd, turning 1/2 R, R waltz step fwd
1-3.Turning 1/2 L, step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Turning 1/2 R, step R fwd, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S10.L, R sailor step
1-3.Cross R behind L, step L fwd, step R next to L
4-6.Cross L behind R, step R fwd, step L next to R
Amend SECOND Tag 2. by replacing S9. 4-6 with R waltz step fwd (no turn).
Keep repeating amended Tag 2. S9. & S10. to end of song, finishing facing 12 o’clock.
S1. Twinkle R, L
1-3.Step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R
4-6.Step R over L, step L to L, step R next to L
S2. L waltz step fwd, turning 1/2 L, L waltz step fwd
1-3.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Turning 1/2 L, step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
S3. Twinkle R, L
1-3.Step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R
4-6.Step R over L, step L to L, step R next to L
S4. L waltz step fwd, R waltz step back
1-3.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Step R back, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S5. Step slide diagonally R, step slide diagonally L
1-3.Step R diagonally R, pause, slide L next to R
4-6.Step L diagonally L, pause, slide R next to L
S6. R waltz step back, L waltz step fwd
1-3.Step R back, step L next to R, step R on the spot
4-6.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step Lon the spot
S7. Turning 1/2 L, L waltz step fwd, turning 1/2 R, R waltz step fwd
1-3.Turning 1/2 L step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Turning 1/2 R step R fwd, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S8. L, R sailor step
1-3.Step R behind L, step L fwd, step R next to L
4-6.Step L behind R, step R fwd, step L next to R
Tag 1.
S1. Turning 1/4 R, twinkle L, twinkle R (9 o’clock)
1-3.Turning 1/4 R step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R
4-6.Step R over L, step L to L, step R next to L
S2. Rpt S1 (6 o’clock)
S3. Turning 1/4 L, twinkle R, twinkle L (9 o’clock)
1-3.Turning 1/4 L, step R over L, step L to L, step R next to L
4-6.Step L over R, step R to R, step L next to R
S4. Rpt S3 (12 o’clock)
Tag 2.
S1. Side waltz step R, L
1-3.Step R to R, step L next to R, step R on the spot
4-6.Step L to L, step R next to L, step L on the spot
S2. Side waltz step L, R
1-3.Step L to L, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Step R to R, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S3. Rock L back, rock R fwd
1-2.Rock back L, rock fwd R
S4. L waltz step fwd, R waltz step back
1-3.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Step R back, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S5. R waltz step back, L waltz step fwd
1-3.Step R back, step L next to R, step R on the spot
4-6.Step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
S6. Rock R back, rock L fwd
1-2.Rock back R, rock fwd L
S7. L diagonal waltz step R, pause, rpt
1-3.Step R diagonally out L, return weight to L, pause
4-6.Rock R diagonally out L, return weight to L, straightening up return R next to L
S8. R diagonal waltz step L, pause, rpt
1-3.Step L diagonally out R, return weight to R, pause
4-6.Step L diagonally out R, return weight to L, straightening up return L next to R
S9. Turning 1/2 L, L waltz step fwd, turning 1/2 R, R waltz step fwd
1-3.Turning 1/2 L, step L fwd, step R next to L, step L on the spot
4-6.Turning 1/2 R, step R fwd, step L next to R, step R on the spot
S10.L, R sailor step
1-3.Cross R behind L, step L fwd, step R next to L
4-6.Cross L behind R, step R fwd, step L next to R
Amend SECOND Tag 2. by replacing S9. 4-6 with R waltz step fwd (no turn).
Keep repeating amended Tag 2. S9. & S10. to end of song, finishing facing 12 o’clock.