CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Low Intermediate
Lucas Mahnke (DE) - January 2023
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
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The dance starts after 32 seconds; the count after '... remembered I ...' (24 Count Intro)

S1: Step forward, point, kick-ball-change, cross, ¼ turn and step back, chassé
1-2Step forward with left - point right foot to right
3&4Kick right foot forward, step right next to left foot - step forward with left
5-6Cross right foot over left - ¼ turn right around and step back with left foot (3 o'clock)
7&8Step right to right, close left to right and step right to right

S2: ½ turn chassé, ½ turn chassé, rock across, chassé
1&2½ turn (r) - step left to left, close right to left and step left to left (9 o'clock)
3&4½ turn (r) - step right to right, close left to right and step right to right (3 o'clock)
5-6Cross left foot over right - weight back on right foot
7&8Step left to left, close right to left and step left to left

S3: Cross, ¼ turn and step back, ½ shuffle turn, ½ pivot, shuffle
1-2Cross right foot over left - ¼ turn (r) and step back with left (6 o'clock)
3&4¼ turn (r) step right to right side - close left next to right - ¼ turn (r) step forward with right (12 o'clock)
5-6Step forward with left - 1/2 turn right around on both balls, weight at the end right (6 o'clock)
7&8Step left forward - close right to left - step left forward

S4: Rock forward, ½ turn step, ½ turn step back, step-lock-step back, coasterstep
1-2Step right foot forward - weight back on left foot
3-4½ turn (r) and step forward right - ½ turn (r) and step back with left (6 o'clock)
5&6Step right back - lock left before right - step right back
7&8Step left foot backward - step right foot next to left foot - step left foot forward

S5: Rock across, rock side, behind, ¼ turn step, step, sailor step ½ turn
1-2Cross right foot over left - weight back on left foot
3-4Step right to the side - weight back on left foot
5&6Cross right foot behind left - ¼ turn (l) and step forward with left - step forward with right (3 o'clock)
7&8½ turn left around and step left behind right - step right to left foot - step left forward (9 o'clock)
Tag 2 on wall 4 after 40 counts facing 3 o'clock
Restart after Tag 2

S6: Rock across, rock side, behind, ¼ turn step, step, rock forward
1-2Cross right foot over left - weight back on left foot
3-4Step right to the side - weight back on left foot
5&6Cross right foot behind left - ¼ turn (l) and step forward with left - step forward with right (6 o'clock)
7-8Step left forward - weight back on right foot

S7: Step-lock-step back (l+r), coaster step, step, touch
1&2Step left back - lock right before left - step left back
3&4Step right back - lock left before right - step right back
5&6Step left back - step right to left - step left forward
7-8Step right forward - touch left to right

Tag 1 after wall 2 facing 12 o'clock and after wall 5 facing 9 o'clock
Tag 1: Rocking chair, 2x pivot
1-2Step left forward - weight back on right foot
3-4Step left back - weight back on right foot
5-6Step forward with left - 1/2 turn right around on both balls, weight at the end right
7-8Step forward with left - 1/2 turn right around on both balls, weight at the end right

Tag 2: Rocking chair, rock forward, coaster step
1-2Step right forward - weight back on left foot
3-4Step right back - weight back on left foot
5-6Step right forward - weight back on left foot
7&8Step right back - step left to right - step right forward

Ending: on wall 6 after 32 counts facing 3 o'clock
1-2¼ turn left around and drag to right facing 12 o'clock - close left next to right

Last Update: 26 Jan 2023

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