Easy Improver
On the word 'beer' (16 counts in) - No tags or restarts
S1: Side, behind and cross, side rock, cross turn 1/4 R side
1Step R to right side
2&3Step L behind R, step R to right side, cross L over R
4-5Rock R to right side, recover L
6-7-8Cross R over L, turn 1/4 right step L back, step R to right side 3:00
S2: Fwd touch, back touch, turn 1/4 L touch, step turn 1/2 L
1-2Step L fwd to left diagonal, touch R beside L
3-4Step R back to home, touch L beside R
5-6Turn 1/4 left step L to left side, touch R beside L 12:00
7-8Step R fwd, turn 1/2 left step L fwd 6:00
S3: Side behind and heel hold, and cross hold, turn 1/4 R back side
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R
&3-4Step R to left side, tap L heel to left diagonal, hold
&5-6Step L beside R, cross R over L, hold
7-8Turn 1/4 right step L back, step R to right side 9:00
S4: Bump and bump, walk walk, step turn 1/4 L bounce heels
1&2Step L forward bumping hips L R L (weight to left)
3-4Walk R, walk L
5-6-7-8Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left bouncing heels 3 times (weight to L) 6:00
S1: Side, behind and cross, side rock, cross turn 1/4 R side
1Step R to right side
2&3Step L behind R, step R to right side, cross L over R
4-5Rock R to right side, recover L
6-7-8Cross R over L, turn 1/4 right step L back, step R to right side 3:00
S2: Fwd touch, back touch, turn 1/4 L touch, step turn 1/2 L
1-2Step L fwd to left diagonal, touch R beside L
3-4Step R back to home, touch L beside R
5-6Turn 1/4 left step L to left side, touch R beside L 12:00
7-8Step R fwd, turn 1/2 left step L fwd 6:00
S3: Side behind and heel hold, and cross hold, turn 1/4 R back side
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R
&3-4Step R to left side, tap L heel to left diagonal, hold
&5-6Step L beside R, cross R over L, hold
7-8Turn 1/4 right step L back, step R to right side 9:00
S4: Bump and bump, walk walk, step turn 1/4 L bounce heels
1&2Step L forward bumping hips L R L (weight to left)
3-4Walk R, walk L
5-6-7-8Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left bouncing heels 3 times (weight to L) 6:00