Intro: Start on the word 'window' - 2 Tags and 1 tag/restart
S1: Step point hold, back sweep
1-3Step L fwd, point R to side, hold
4-6Step R back, sweep L from front to back over 2 counts
S2: Behind side cross, side drag touch
1-3Step L behind R, step R to right, cross L over R
4-6Step R to right side, drag L to R, touch L beside R
S3: Turn 1/4 L, turn 1/2 L, turn 1/2 L, step sweep
1-3Turn 1/4 left step L fwd, turn 1/2 left step R back, turn 1/2 left step L fwd 9:00
** option for 1-3: turn 1/4 left step fwd L, R, L
4-6Step R fwd, sweep L from back to front over 2 counts
******** Tag with Restart on Wall 6
S4: Twinkle, cross sweep/turn 1/4 R
1-3Cross L over R, step R to right side, step L to side
4-6Cross R over L, sweep L into 1/4 turn right over 2 beats 12:00
S5: Cross side rock, back sweep
1-3Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover to L
4-6Step R back diagonal behind L, sweep L from front to back (2 cnts)
S6: Sailor step, sailor step
1-3Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side
4-6Step R behind L, step L to side, step R to side
S7: Touch unwind 1/2 L, rock recover back
1-3Touch L toe behind R, unwind 1/2 turn left (weight on L) 6:00
4-6Rock R fwd, recover L, step R back
S8: Coaster step, step point hold
1-3Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
4-6Step R fwd, point L fwd to left diagonal, hold
Tag 1 - Wall 1: 3 count tag danced at end of wall 1
1-3Step L fwd, step R fwd, sweep L from back to front
Tag 2 - Wall 4: 6 count tag danced at end of wall 4
1-6Twinkle L and R moving slightly fwd (twinkle - cross side rock)
Tag 3 - with restart - Wall 6 after 18 counts:
1-3Cross L over R, turn 1/4 left step R back, touch L beside R and restart dance from beginning
Ending: Wall 7 ends facing 6:00....step L fwd, turn 1/2 right step R, step L, to face front and smile!
S1: Step point hold, back sweep
1-3Step L fwd, point R to side, hold
4-6Step R back, sweep L from front to back over 2 counts
S2: Behind side cross, side drag touch
1-3Step L behind R, step R to right, cross L over R
4-6Step R to right side, drag L to R, touch L beside R
S3: Turn 1/4 L, turn 1/2 L, turn 1/2 L, step sweep
1-3Turn 1/4 left step L fwd, turn 1/2 left step R back, turn 1/2 left step L fwd 9:00
** option for 1-3: turn 1/4 left step fwd L, R, L
4-6Step R fwd, sweep L from back to front over 2 counts
******** Tag with Restart on Wall 6
S4: Twinkle, cross sweep/turn 1/4 R
1-3Cross L over R, step R to right side, step L to side
4-6Cross R over L, sweep L into 1/4 turn right over 2 beats 12:00
S5: Cross side rock, back sweep
1-3Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover to L
4-6Step R back diagonal behind L, sweep L from front to back (2 cnts)
S6: Sailor step, sailor step
1-3Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side
4-6Step R behind L, step L to side, step R to side
S7: Touch unwind 1/2 L, rock recover back
1-3Touch L toe behind R, unwind 1/2 turn left (weight on L) 6:00
4-6Rock R fwd, recover L, step R back
S8: Coaster step, step point hold
1-3Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
4-6Step R fwd, point L fwd to left diagonal, hold
Tag 1 - Wall 1: 3 count tag danced at end of wall 1
1-3Step L fwd, step R fwd, sweep L from back to front
Tag 2 - Wall 4: 6 count tag danced at end of wall 4
1-6Twinkle L and R moving slightly fwd (twinkle - cross side rock)
Tag 3 - with restart - Wall 6 after 18 counts:
1-3Cross L over R, turn 1/4 left step R back, touch L beside R and restart dance from beginning
Ending: Wall 7 ends facing 6:00....step L fwd, turn 1/2 right step R, step L, to face front and smile!