Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (
(16 counts intro)
[S1] Point, Flick 1/4L, Fwd Rock, Point, Flick 1/4R, Shuffle Fwd
1 2Point L the side, Make a ¼ turn left stepping/small hop on L and flick R foot back (9:00)
3 4Rock forward on R, replace weight on L
5 6Point R the side, Make a ¼ turn right stepping/small hop on R and flick L foot back (12:00)
7&8Shuffle forward on R-L-R
[S2] Paddle Turn 1/4L, Syncopated Weave L, Cross Rock, 1/4R-1/4R
1 2Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L (9:00)
3&4&Cross R over L, Step L to the side, Cross R over L, Step L to the side
5 6Rock/across R over L, Replace weight on L
7 8Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R, make a ¼ turn right stepping L to the side (3:00)
[S3] Behind, Side, Syncopated Weave L, Cross Rock, Triple 1/2R Turn
1 2Step R behind L, Step L to the side
3&4&Cross R over L, Step L to the side, Cross R over L, Step L to the side
5 6Rock/across R over L, Replace weight on L
7&8Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L next to R, Step R in place (9:00)
[S4] Fwd Rock, 1/2L Step-Lock-Step, 1/2L Back-Lock-Back, 1/4L, Kick-
1 2Rock forward on L, Replace weight on R
3&4Making a ½ turn left – Step forward on L, Lock R behind L, Step forward on L (3:00)
5&6Making a ½ turn left – Step back on R, Lock/cross L over R, Step back on R (9:00)
7 8Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (6:00), Kick diagonally forward on R
[S5] Cross, Unwind 3/4L, Coaster Step, 2x Anchor Step (Travelling Backwards)
1 2Cross R over L, Unwind ¾ turn left weight ends on R (9:00)
3&4Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
5&6Travelling slightly backwards – Step R behind L, Step L in place, Step back on R
7&8Travelling slightly backwards – Step L behind R, Step R in place, Step back on L
[S6] Rock Back, Samba Turn 1/4R, Cross, Side, Sailor 1/4L Turn
1 2Rock back on R, Replace weight on L
3&4Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping (rock) L to the side, Replace weight on R (12:00)
5 6Cross L over R, Step R to the side
7&8Make a ¼ turn left stepping L behind R (9:00), Step R beside L, Step L to the side
[S7] Cross, Hitch, Cross-Samba, Cross, Hitch, Cross, Side
1 2Cross R over L, Hitch L knee
3&4Cross L over R, Rock R to the side, Replace weight on L
5 6Cross R over L, Hitch L knee
7 8Cross L over R, Step R to the side
[S8] Behind, 1/4R, Paddle Turn 1/4R, Fwd Rock, 1/2L-Together
1 2Step L behind R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R (12:00)
3 4Step forward on L, Make a ¼ turn right recover weight on R (3:00)
5 6Rock forward on L, Replace weight on R
7 8Make a ½ turn left stepping forward on L (9:00), Step R together
Ending suggestion: The last wall starts facing 12:00, dance up to S8 count 6 (3:00). Then,
7 8Make a ¼ turn left stepping L to the side (12:00), Step R together
(16 counts intro)
[S1] Point, Flick 1/4L, Fwd Rock, Point, Flick 1/4R, Shuffle Fwd
1 2Point L the side, Make a ¼ turn left stepping/small hop on L and flick R foot back (9:00)
3 4Rock forward on R, replace weight on L
5 6Point R the side, Make a ¼ turn right stepping/small hop on R and flick L foot back (12:00)
7&8Shuffle forward on R-L-R
[S2] Paddle Turn 1/4L, Syncopated Weave L, Cross Rock, 1/4R-1/4R
1 2Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L (9:00)
3&4&Cross R over L, Step L to the side, Cross R over L, Step L to the side
5 6Rock/across R over L, Replace weight on L
7 8Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R, make a ¼ turn right stepping L to the side (3:00)
[S3] Behind, Side, Syncopated Weave L, Cross Rock, Triple 1/2R Turn
1 2Step R behind L, Step L to the side
3&4&Cross R over L, Step L to the side, Cross R over L, Step L to the side
5 6Rock/across R over L, Replace weight on L
7&8Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L next to R, Step R in place (9:00)
[S4] Fwd Rock, 1/2L Step-Lock-Step, 1/2L Back-Lock-Back, 1/4L, Kick-
1 2Rock forward on L, Replace weight on R
3&4Making a ½ turn left – Step forward on L, Lock R behind L, Step forward on L (3:00)
5&6Making a ½ turn left – Step back on R, Lock/cross L over R, Step back on R (9:00)
7 8Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (6:00), Kick diagonally forward on R
[S5] Cross, Unwind 3/4L, Coaster Step, 2x Anchor Step (Travelling Backwards)
1 2Cross R over L, Unwind ¾ turn left weight ends on R (9:00)
3&4Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
5&6Travelling slightly backwards – Step R behind L, Step L in place, Step back on R
7&8Travelling slightly backwards – Step L behind R, Step R in place, Step back on L
[S6] Rock Back, Samba Turn 1/4R, Cross, Side, Sailor 1/4L Turn
1 2Rock back on R, Replace weight on L
3&4Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping (rock) L to the side, Replace weight on R (12:00)
5 6Cross L over R, Step R to the side
7&8Make a ¼ turn left stepping L behind R (9:00), Step R beside L, Step L to the side
[S7] Cross, Hitch, Cross-Samba, Cross, Hitch, Cross, Side
1 2Cross R over L, Hitch L knee
3&4Cross L over R, Rock R to the side, Replace weight on L
5 6Cross R over L, Hitch L knee
7 8Cross L over R, Step R to the side
[S8] Behind, 1/4R, Paddle Turn 1/4R, Fwd Rock, 1/2L-Together
1 2Step L behind R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R (12:00)
3 4Step forward on L, Make a ¼ turn right recover weight on R (3:00)
5 6Rock forward on L, Replace weight on R
7 8Make a ½ turn left stepping forward on L (9:00), Step R together
Ending suggestion: The last wall starts facing 12:00, dance up to S8 count 6 (3:00). Then,
7 8Make a ¼ turn left stepping L to the side (12:00), Step R together