CopperKnob Stepsheets

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What Do You Want From Me

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Luca Calbucci (IT) - October 2022
America's Sweetheart - Elle King
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**5 Restarts

[1-8] kick ball change, step R fwd, step L, kick R x2, sailor step R
1&2kick R, step R beside L, step onto L in place
3-4step R fwd, step L togheter
5-6kick R fwd, kick R diagonally
7&8step R behind L, step L to the L side, step R in place

[9-16] kick L, toe L ½ turn, lock R, L, mambo step
1-2kick L fwd, toe L ½ turn to the L
3&4step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd
5&6step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd
7&8step R fwd, recover on L, step R next to the L
Restart at 7th wall

[16-24] step L back, sweep R, weave L, rock side L, step L, R
&1-2step L bwd, sweep R from front to back
3&4cross R behind L, step L to the L side, cross R over L
5-6rock side L, recover on R
7-8step L next R, step R to the R side

[25-32] slide L, jazz box L, step fwd R, L, out-out, in-in
1-2long slide with toe L
3&4cross L over R, step back on R, step L to L side
5-6step R fwd, step L fwd
&7&8step R outside, step L outside, step R in, step L in

[33-40] rock R fwd, step R bwd, hell L, scuff R, shuffle R ½ turn L, shuffle L ½ turn L
1-2rock step R fwd, recover on L
&3&4step R bwd, hell L, drop ( weight on L), scuff R
5&6shuffle R bwd ½ turn to the L
7&8shuffle L fwd ½ turn to the L
Restart at 3rd wall

[41-48] grapevine R ¼ turn L, weave L, rock L ¼ turn, step L ½ turn, stomp R, L
1&2&¼ turn to the L step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, scuff L
3&4&step L to L, cross R behind L, step L to the L, cross R over L,
5&6¼ turn to the L rock L fwd, recover on R, step L fwd ½ turn to the L
7-8stomp R, stomp L
Restart at 2nd, 5th, 8th walls

[49-56] sailor step R, vaudeville L, R, shuffle cross L
1&2cross R behind L, step L to the L side, step R in place
3&4&cross L over R, step diagonally back R on R, touch L hell diagonally, drop
5&6&cross R over L, step diagonally back L on L, touch R hell diagonally, drop
7&8cross L over R, step R to the R side, cross L over R

[56-64] ¼ turn rock R fwd, ½ turn rock R fwd, ¼ turn step R side, stomp L side, mambo step, coaster step L
1&2&¼ turn to the R and rock R fwd, recover on L, ½ turn to the R and rock R fwd, recover on L
3-4¼ turn on R and step R side, stomp L side
5&6rock step R fwd, recover on L, step R bwd
7&8step L bwd, step R beside L, step L fwd

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