CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Put On Your Bobbi Sox - Baby!

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Absolute Beginner
Sher Mcintosh (CAN) - September 2022
Bop - Dan Seals
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Section I: Bounce RT Heel 8 times, while snapping fingers 4X to alternate beat of music
1-8Bounce RT heel up/down 8 times, (snap your RT fingers to the RT side, on counts 1, 3, 5, and 7)

Section II: Bounce LT Heel 4 times & snap fingers 2X, Sway 4X (starting to RT)
1-4Bounce LT heel up/down 4 times, (snap your LT fingers to the LT side, on counts 1, 3)
5-8Sway hips four times RT, LT, RT, LT (and both hands sway in same direction as hips)

Section III: Basic to the RT, Basic to the LT (with shoop-shoops)
1-4RT Step, together, step, touch (arms sway with shoop, shoops, clap on 4)
5-8LT Step, together, step, touch (arms sway with shoop, shoops, clap on 8)

Section IV: K Step
1-2Step RT forward, touch left (clap on the touch)
3-4Step LT back on angle to the left, touch RT (clap on the touch)
5-6Step RT back on angle to the right, touch LT (clap on the touch)
*7-8 Step LT fwd on angle to the left, touch RT (clap on the touch)

* 4 Wall Dance option K Step, replace *7-8 With: Step 1 / 4 Turn Left on LT foot(7), Touch RT Toe to LT instep (8), dance will now rotate counter-clockwise.


SIW September 30, 2022
Great dance for every beginner! Way to go!!!!!

SherMcIntosh September 30, 2022
Thank you SIW...... all the new people should get the BEST Music!! After all, that's what we all want too!! Sher

Nancyjo October 1, 2022
Such a fun beginner dance!!! Love it!!!

SherMcIntosh October 1, 2022
Thank you Nancyjo...and the ladies did such a great job on the Demo!! - they are so In Sync - not just the feet - the arm movements too! Looks awesome!!! Glad you love it! Sher

vesa October 1, 2022
Very good dance! 💃 Deserves number 1

izzyy October 1, 2022
loved the music !! dance was very well done !!

Caramella October 2, 2022
Great fun dance for beginners.

SherMcIntosh October 2, 2022
Thank you Vesa, Izzyy, and Caramella for those positive words!!! Sher!

Raine HUTTON October 5, 2022
Warms my heart to see such underrated music used in a lively dance!! 100/10 amazing job you go girl!

SherMcIntosh October 5, 2022
Thank you Betty - lovely words of encouragement! and very much appreciated! Sher!

Lule October 8, 2022
What a fun dance. I want to learn

SherMcIntosh October 8, 2022
Thank you Lule, it is FUN! And you can do as much swingin' and swayin' as you want with it!! Thanks for leaving a nice comment! Sher

Cheryl Fizzer October 9, 2022
Watching this with my daughter and we just can’t wait to preform this dance when we learn it! And we are so exited to learn the dance it’s always a great experience.

SherMcIntosh October 10, 2022
Thank you Cheryl - great family activity!! Mine run for the hills when I say Linedance - "Oh no - Mom's at the Obsession again!!" I should have started them when they were younger!! - LOL!! You can have lots of FUN with this one!!! Sher

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