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Another One Bites the Dust EZ

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Mitzi Day (USA) - August 2022
Another One Bites the Dust - Alexander Jean
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Intro - dance starts 16 cts after strong beat. You hear the singer say, "Let's go"

**2 restarts. both after 16 cts after the flick.
*1st restart: On 3rd rotation you face 6:00. after 16 counts you will face 3:00and restart. t
The lyrics say, "How do you think I'm gonna get along..."

**2nd restart happens on 7th rotation. you start the dance facing 12:00 then after 16 counts you are facing 9:00. The lyrics say, "There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man....."

Section 1= Walk forward R-L-R-L.. Heel switches, stomp, then sharp turn 1/4 left
1-2-3-4walk forward right, left, right ,left
5&6&7-8Place right heel forward (5) put right heel back to original position(&). Place left heel forward (6). put heel back to original position(&). Stomp right foot forward placing weight on both feet. (7) Turn 1/4 to left with weight on both feet turning on balls of both feet. the music sounds like a quick turn.(8)9:00

Section 2 = Walk forward R-L-R-L . side point right, then left, then right then flick right back.
1-2-3-4Walk forward right, left, right, left.
5&6&7-8Point right toe to right side.(5) step to original position both feet together.(&). Point left toe to left side (6) Step back to original position both feet together.(&) Point right to right side (7) keep weight on left foot and bend right knee putting right foot behind left knee.(8)9:00

Section 3= four chasse steps creating a box
1&2put right foot to right side(1) put weight on right foot. Step left beside right foot putting weight on left(&) Step right to right side(2) 9:00
3&4Turn body to face 6:00 and step left to left side(3) Step right beside left foot (&)Step left to left side(4)
5&6Turn body to 3:00. Step right to right side .Step left beside right, step right to right side.
7&8Turn body to 12:00. Step left to left side, step right beside left foot, step left to left side.(12:00)

Section 4= Big step forward, step together, kick out- out, step hitch, step hitch and turn 1/4 right.(3:00)
1-2Big Step right forward, step left foot beside right.(12:00)
3&4Kick right foot forward then put right foot down to side and left foot down to left side.
5-6-7-8Step right foot forward, hitch left knee up. Step on left foot, hitch right knee up and turn 1/4 right. (3:00)

Sending a shout out to Patra Bowman for suggesting I choreo. a split floor, plus hugs for her input.

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