Diagonally Forward & Back: Point, Touch, Large Step, Touch, Point, Touch, Large Step, Touch
1-2With body facing 10:30: Point RF to R (toward 10:30) (1); Touch RF beside LF (2)
3-4Large step with RF to R (toward 10:30) dragging L toe (3); Touch LF beside RF (4)
5-6With body still facing 10:30: Point LF to L (toward 10:30) (5); Touch LF beside RF (6)
7-8Large step with LF to L (toward 10:30) dragging R toe (7); Touch RF beside LF (8)
Hip rolls x2 , Grapevine R
1-2Step RF to R as you roll your hips from L to R facing 12:00 (1) add a little hip bop at end of roll (2)
3-4Step LF to L as you roll your hips from R to L (3) add a little hip bop at the end of roll (4)
5-6Step RF to R side (5) ,Cross LF behind RF (6)
7-8Step RF to R side (7), Touch LF next RF (8)
Grapevine ¼ turn L , Scuff , Jazzbox
1-2Step LF to L side (1) ,Cross RF behind LF (2)
3-4¼ Turn L Stepping LF Fwd (3), Scuff RF (4)
5-6Cross RF over L (5), Step LF back (6)
7-8Step RF to R side (7),Close LF next to RF (8)
V Step ,Walk Back x4
1-2Step RF fwd onto R diagonal (1),Step LF fwd onto L diagonal (2)
3-4Step RF back to centre (3), Step LF back to centre (4)
5-6Walk back RF (5),Walk back LF (6) (start raising both hands up slowly)
7-8Walk back RF (7), Close LF next to RF (8) (finish with your hands up)
Amanda Rizzello
Diagonally Forward & Back: Point, Touch, Large Step, Touch, Point, Touch, Large Step, Touch
1-2With body facing 10:30: Point RF to R (toward 10:30) (1); Touch RF beside LF (2)
3-4Large step with RF to R (toward 10:30) dragging L toe (3); Touch LF beside RF (4)
5-6With body still facing 10:30: Point LF to L (toward 10:30) (5); Touch LF beside RF (6)
7-8Large step with LF to L (toward 10:30) dragging R toe (7); Touch RF beside LF (8)
Hip rolls x2 , Grapevine R
1-2Step RF to R as you roll your hips from L to R facing 12:00 (1) add a little hip bop at end of roll (2)
3-4Step LF to L as you roll your hips from R to L (3) add a little hip bop at the end of roll (4)
5-6Step RF to R side (5) ,Cross LF behind RF (6)
7-8Step RF to R side (7), Touch LF next RF (8)
Grapevine ¼ turn L , Scuff , Jazzbox
1-2Step LF to L side (1) ,Cross RF behind LF (2)
3-4¼ Turn L Stepping LF Fwd (3), Scuff RF (4)
5-6Cross RF over L (5), Step LF back (6)
7-8Step RF to R side (7),Close LF next to RF (8)
V Step ,Walk Back x4
1-2Step RF fwd onto R diagonal (1),Step LF fwd onto L diagonal (2)
3-4Step RF back to centre (3), Step LF back to centre (4)
5-6Walk back RF (5),Walk back LF (6) (start raising both hands up slowly)
7-8Walk back RF (7), Close LF next to RF (8) (finish with your hands up)
Amanda Rizzello