Or by Peter, Paul and Mary or by Greg & Steve (Album: Holidays & Special Times) or
by The Seekers (slightly slower.)
Other music: Can’t Let Go by Jill King (music for Niels Poulsen’s Train Wreck)
Start on the word “your.” No tags or restarts.
Section 1: R side-rock, behind side cross, L side-rock, behind side cross
1 2 3 & 4R side-rock, recover L, R behind, L side, R cross
5 6 7 & 8L side-rock, recover R, L behind, R side, L cross
Section 2: R & L mambos, touch, quarter step, point and point, touch
1 & 2 3 & 4R side mambo, L side mambo
5 & 6 & 7 8Touch R next to L (5), quarter step R to 3:00 (&), point L (6), ball (&), point R (7), touch R next to L (8)
Section 3: Cross samba x 2, rocking chair
1 & 2 3 & 4R cross over L, rock L to side, step R to side. Cross L over R, rock R to side, step L to side.
5 6 7 8R rocking chair
*5-8 variation: syncopated rocking chair (5&6&), R forward mambo touch (7&8)
Section 4: Cross, back, side quarter, triple. Repeat.
1 & 2 3 & 4Rock (or sweep) R over L, step back L, step quarter R (6:00) (like 3 steps of a jazz box), L triple forward
5 & 6 7 & 8Rock (or sweep) R over L, step back L, step quarter R (9:00), L triple forward
Last Update: 8 Jun 2023
by The Seekers (slightly slower.)
Other music: Can’t Let Go by Jill King (music for Niels Poulsen’s Train Wreck)
Start on the word “your.” No tags or restarts.
Section 1: R side-rock, behind side cross, L side-rock, behind side cross
1 2 3 & 4R side-rock, recover L, R behind, L side, R cross
5 6 7 & 8L side-rock, recover R, L behind, R side, L cross
Section 2: R & L mambos, touch, quarter step, point and point, touch
1 & 2 3 & 4R side mambo, L side mambo
5 & 6 & 7 8Touch R next to L (5), quarter step R to 3:00 (&), point L (6), ball (&), point R (7), touch R next to L (8)
Section 3: Cross samba x 2, rocking chair
1 & 2 3 & 4R cross over L, rock L to side, step R to side. Cross L over R, rock R to side, step L to side.
5 6 7 8R rocking chair
*5-8 variation: syncopated rocking chair (5&6&), R forward mambo touch (7&8)
Section 4: Cross, back, side quarter, triple. Repeat.
1 & 2 3 & 4Rock (or sweep) R over L, step back L, step quarter R (6:00) (like 3 steps of a jazz box), L triple forward
5 & 6 7 & 8Rock (or sweep) R over L, step back L, step quarter R (9:00), L triple forward
Last Update: 8 Jun 2023