#16 Count Introduction, Start on Lyrics, Track Length 3.56 - 1 tag and 1 restart
S1 Side Together, Shuffle Forward, Rock Replace, Chases 1/4 L
1-2Step R to R, Bring L to R
3&4Shuffle forward R.L.R
5-6Rock forward L, Replace weight on R
7&81/4 L step L to L, Bring R to L, Step L to L 9:00
S2 4 Count Weave, Cross Rock, Chases R
1-4Cross R over L, Step L to L, cross R behind L, Step L to L
5-6Cross rock R over L, Replace weight on L
7&8Step R to R, Bring L to R, Step R to R
****** Wall 3 - Change 7&8 to 7-8: Turn 1/4 R step R fwd, step L beside and restart facing 12:00
S3 Jazz Box, Hold, Rock Replace, 1/2 R, 1/4 R
1-4Cross L over R, Step R back, step L to L, Hold
5-6Rock forward R, Replace weight on L
7-81/2 R step forward R, 1/4 R step L to L 6:00
S4 Rock Replace, Shuffle 1/4 R, Forward Rock Side Rock
1-2Cross rock R over L, Replace weight on L
3&4Shuffle 1/4 R, R.L.R 9:00
5-8Rock forward L, Replace weight on R, Rock L out to L, Replace weight on R
S5 Scissor Step, Scissor Step
1-4Step L to L, Bring R to L, Cross L over R, Hold
5-8Step R to R, Bring L to R, Cross R over L, Hold
S6 Weave L, Side Rock 1/4 R, Shuffle Forward
1-4Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
5-6Rock L to to L, 1/4 R step R to R 12:00
7&8Shuffle forward L.R.L
S7 Cross Point, Cross Point, Rock Replace, Shuffle 1/2 R
1-4Cross R over L, Point L out to L, Cross L over R, Point R out to R
5-6Rock forward R, Replace weight on L
7&8Shuffle 1/2 R, R.L.R 6:00
S8 Rock Replace, Shuffle 1/2 L, Shuffle 1/2 L, Back Touch
1-2Rock forward L, Replace weight on R
3&4Shuffle 1/2 L, L.R.L 12:00
5&6Shuffle 1/2 L, R.L.R 6:00
7-8Step back on L, Touch R to L
TAG: Wall 5: Add 8 count tag at end of wall 5: step touch step touch, vine right with cross
1-4Step R to right side, touch L beside R, step L to left side, touch R beside L
5-8Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side, cross L over R
Ending: Wall 8 is the last wall facing 12:00. Dance up to and including 5-6 on section 2,
change 7&8 to 'turn 1/4 R step R fwd, bring L to R (weight on L) and smile.
S1 Side Together, Shuffle Forward, Rock Replace, Chases 1/4 L
1-2Step R to R, Bring L to R
3&4Shuffle forward R.L.R
5-6Rock forward L, Replace weight on R
7&81/4 L step L to L, Bring R to L, Step L to L 9:00
S2 4 Count Weave, Cross Rock, Chases R
1-4Cross R over L, Step L to L, cross R behind L, Step L to L
5-6Cross rock R over L, Replace weight on L
7&8Step R to R, Bring L to R, Step R to R
****** Wall 3 - Change 7&8 to 7-8: Turn 1/4 R step R fwd, step L beside and restart facing 12:00
S3 Jazz Box, Hold, Rock Replace, 1/2 R, 1/4 R
1-4Cross L over R, Step R back, step L to L, Hold
5-6Rock forward R, Replace weight on L
7-81/2 R step forward R, 1/4 R step L to L 6:00
S4 Rock Replace, Shuffle 1/4 R, Forward Rock Side Rock
1-2Cross rock R over L, Replace weight on L
3&4Shuffle 1/4 R, R.L.R 9:00
5-8Rock forward L, Replace weight on R, Rock L out to L, Replace weight on R
S5 Scissor Step, Scissor Step
1-4Step L to L, Bring R to L, Cross L over R, Hold
5-8Step R to R, Bring L to R, Cross R over L, Hold
S6 Weave L, Side Rock 1/4 R, Shuffle Forward
1-4Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
5-6Rock L to to L, 1/4 R step R to R 12:00
7&8Shuffle forward L.R.L
S7 Cross Point, Cross Point, Rock Replace, Shuffle 1/2 R
1-4Cross R over L, Point L out to L, Cross L over R, Point R out to R
5-6Rock forward R, Replace weight on L
7&8Shuffle 1/2 R, R.L.R 6:00
S8 Rock Replace, Shuffle 1/2 L, Shuffle 1/2 L, Back Touch
1-2Rock forward L, Replace weight on R
3&4Shuffle 1/2 L, L.R.L 12:00
5&6Shuffle 1/2 L, R.L.R 6:00
7-8Step back on L, Touch R to L
TAG: Wall 5: Add 8 count tag at end of wall 5: step touch step touch, vine right with cross
1-4Step R to right side, touch L beside R, step L to left side, touch R beside L
5-8Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side, cross L over R
Ending: Wall 8 is the last wall facing 12:00. Dance up to and including 5-6 on section 2,
change 7&8 to 'turn 1/4 R step R fwd, bring L to R (weight on L) and smile.