CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Tessa Jansen (NL) - March 2022
Title - Meghan Trainor : (iTunes)
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Intro: +/- 2 counts (start on the word “Love”)

Rumba Fwd L Touch, Rumba Back R Kick, Step Back L, Kick Fwd R, Coasterstep, Hold, ¼ Turn R
1&2&Step L to L Side, Step R next to L, Step L Fwd, Touch R next to L
3&4&Step R to R Side, Step L next to R, Step R Back, Kick L Fwd
5&Step L Back, Kick R Fwd
6&7&Step R Back, Step L next to R, Step R Fwd, Hold
8&Step L Fwd, ¼ Turn R (3.00)

Crossing Toe Strut, ¼ L Toe Strut Back, ¼ L Side Toe Strut, Slide Ball Cross L, 2x ¼ Turn R Walk Fwd R, L
1&2&Cross L Toe Over R, Drop L Heel, ¼ Turn L Step Back On R Toe, Drop R Heel (12.00)
3&4&¼ Turn L Step on L Toe to Left Side, Cross R Toe Over L, Drop R Heel (09.00)
5-6&Step L Big Step to L Side, Drag R Towards L and Step on Ball Of R next to L, Cross L Over R
7-8¼ Turn R Step R Fwd, ¼ Turn R Step L Fwd (03.00)
Note: Toe Struts are Travelling sidewards

Charleston Step, Rumba ¼ Turn R, Jazz Box ¼ Turn R
1-2Touch R Toe Fwd, Step Back on R
3-4Touch L Toe Backwards, Step Fwd on L
5-6Cross R Over L, ¼ Turn R Step Back on L (06.00)
7-8Step R to R Side, Step Fwd on L

2x V Step, Step Pivot ¼ Turn L, Step ½ Pivot Step L
1&2&Step R Fwd (a bit diagonal), Step L fwd (a bit diagonal), Step R back to centre, Step L back to centre
3&4&R Fwd (a bit diagonal), Step L fwd (a bit diagonal), Step R back to centre, Step L back to centre
5-6Step R Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn L (12.00)
7&8Step R Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn L, Step R Fwd (06.00)

2x Hip Bumps L, 2x Him Bumps R, Travelling Swivels, Hold
1-2Bump Hips to L Side, Bump Hips to L Side (place R hand on R Hip, Raise L Fist high to L Side)
3-4Bump Hips to R Side, Bump Hips to R Side (place R hand on R Hip, Raise L Fist high to R Side)
5-6Swivel Both heels to L Side, Swivel Both toes to L Side
7-8Swivel Both heels to L Side, Hold

2x Hip Bumps R, 2x Hip Bumps l, Swivel R,L,R, Hold
1-2Bump Hips to R Side, Bump Hips to R Side (place R hand on R Hip, Raise L Fist high to R Side)
3-4Bump Hips to L Side, Bump Hips to L Side (place R hand on R Hip, Raise L Fist high to L Side)
5-6Swivel Both heels to R Side, Swivel Both toes to R Side
7-8Swivel Both heels to R Side, Hold

Diagonal Step Touches, Hold, Step Pivot Step R, Step Pivot Step R
1&2&Step L diagonal Fwd (10.30), Touch R next to L, Step R Back (12.00), Touch L next to R
3&4&Step L diagonal Back (7.30), Touch R next to L, Step R Fwd (12.00), Hold
5&6Step L Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn R, Step L Fwd
7&8Step R Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn L, Step R Fwd

ENDING: Dance 16 counts of Part A, finish the dance facing 12.00 by making a ¼ Turn Slide (Big Step) to L Side and strike a pose!

This song makes me very happy and my message with this dance is: Be yourself and OWN YOUR TITLE!
You are so worth it!

Last Update - 15 May 2022

willemientje May 17, 2022
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