CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Right Through the Heart

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Sandy Kerrigan (AUS) - April 2022
I Have Nothing - Whitney Houston : (iTunes)
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Dance Info: Dance starts -wt on L– Dance Starts on Lyrics
BPM [102:02] Track Length 4:47 - Version 1:00

Step Back, Sweep Back, Step Back Sweep Back 12:00
1 2 3 4 5 6Step Back R, Sweep L back around (2 counts), Step Back L, Sweep R back around (2 counts)

Step Behind, Step Side, Diagonally Fwd, Cross, Step Side 9:00, Step Back 9:00
1 2 3Step/Cross R behind L, Step L to L Side, Turning 1/8th L- Step Fwd R
4 5 6Cross L over R (Look back over your L shoulder), Turn 1/8th L - Step R to R Side 9:00, Step Back on L

Back R Coaster Step, Long Step Fwd L, Drag R to meet L – Dance both arms up fwd-your own styling 9:00
1 2 3 4 5 6Step Back R, Step L next to R, Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L, Drag R to meet L (2counts-wt on L)
Wall 6 – Facing 6:00 – Restart Here
Wall 10 – facing 6:00 – Restart here: Step R next to L (step change), Dance the last 3 counts

Step Back, ½ L Fwd, Step Fwd, Turning ½ Left – Step Fwd L, Step R next to L, Step together L 9:00
1 2 3Step Back on R, Turning back ½ L-Step Fwd L, Step Fwd R
4 5 6Turning ½ L- Step Fwd L, Step R next to L, Step L next to R (basic ½ waltz turn)

Cross R over L, Sweep L around (2 counts), Left Cross Twinkle 9:00
1 2 3 4 5 6Cross R over L, Sweep L around (2 counts), Cross L over R, Rock R to R, Rock L to L Side
Wall 12 – Facing 12:00 – Add 6 count tag- Restart facing 12:00

Cross, Turn ¼ Back, Step Back 12:00, Back Left Coaster Step 12:00
1 2 3Cross R over L, Turning ¼ R - Step Back on L, Step Back R
4 56Step Back on L, Step R next to L, Step Fwd L

Step Fwd R, Turning ¼ R-Point L to L, Hold, Turning ½ L-Step Down on L-Point R to R, Hold 9:00
1 2 3Step Fwd on R, Turning ¼ R-Point L toe to L Side, Hold
4 5 6Turning ½ L-Step down on L (in place), Point R to R Side, Hold

Behind, Side, Fwd, L Mambo Step 9:00
1 2 3Cross R behind L, Step L to L Side, Step Fwd on R
4 5 6Rock Fwd on L, Replace back to R, Step Back on L
[48] When starting push back onto R with power!

End Walls 3 – 9 count Tag Here
Note: Tags and Restarts
End of Wall 3: facing 3:00 – 9 Count Tag:
1 2 3 4 5 6Sway R hips to R Side (3 counts) Sway L Hips to L Side (3 counts)
1 2 3Drag R to meet L (2 counts), wt on L-Hitch R (count 3)
Wall 6 facing 6:00 – Restart after count 18 – wt on L
Wall 10 facing 6:00 – Dance to count 17- Step Change ( Step R to L-count 18) then dance the last 3 counts.
Wall 12 facing 12:00 – Dance to count 30-Add 6 count tag
1 2 3 4 5 6R Cross Twinkle, Then dance the last 3 counts - L Mambo step-Restart facing 12:00

Ending: facing 3:00 Wall dance to count 42:
Cross R behind L, ¼ L to 12:00-StepFwd L, Step fwd R, Dance the last 3 counts (L Mambo step)

It’s not that difficult!

Tel.: 0412 723 326 -

jackster April 26, 2022
Beautiful dance👍

Ra June 9, 2022

Loving learning this dace. Sorry to have missed the original teach.

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