CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Way She Rolls

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Michelle Mauger (AUS) - April 2022
The Way She Rolls - Nate Smith : (Album: Reckless)
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Introduction: 32 counts (on vocals), 1 Restart

(Counts 1 - 8) Side, Back Rock/Recover, Side, Cross Rock/Recover, Side, Touch
1, 2, 3, 4Step L to L side (1), Rock R behind L (2), recover weight fwd onto L (3), step R to R side (4)
5, 6, 7, 8Cross rock L over R (5), recover weight back to R (6), step L to L side (7), touch R beside L (8)

(Counts 9 - 16) Forward, ½ L Pivot, Shuffle, Forward, ¼ R Pivot, Cross, Hold
1, 2, 3 & 4Step fwd on R (1), ½ L pivot weight on L [6 o’clock] (2), step R fwd (3), step L beside R (&), step R fwd (4)
5, 6, 7, 8Step L fwd (5), ¼ R pivot weight on R [9 o’clock] (6), cross L over R (7), hold (8)**

(Counts 17 - 24) Syncopated Weave, Behind, Sweep, Behind, ¼ L Forward
1, 2 & 3, 4Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (3), step R to R side (4)
5, 6, 7, 8Step L behind R (5), Sweep R from front to back (6), cross R behind L (7), ¼ L stepping L fwd [6 o’clock] (8)

(Counts 25 - 32) Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Jazz Box w/ Touch
1, 2, 3, 4Cross R over L (1), Point L to L side (2), Cross L over R (3), Point R to R side (4)
5, 6, 7, 8Cross R over L (5), step L back (6), step R to side (7), touch L next to R (8)

**Restart: On wall 3. Dance up to count 13, replace the last three counts with:
14½ R pivot to face 12 o’clock keeping weight on R
15Touch L next to R
Now you are ready to restart the dance facing the front stepping L to L side.


Michelle Mauger
Facebook: MM Line Dancing

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