Beginner / Improver
*No Restarts Or Tags
Two ¼ Montereys
1-2Touch right toe to right side pivoting 1/4 right on ball of left foot, step right next to left.
3-4Touch left toe to left, step left next to right and put weight on left
5-6Touch right toe to right side pivoting 1/4 right on ball of left foot, step right next to left.
7-8Touch right toe to right side pivoting 1/4 right on ball of left foot, step right next to left.
Heel tap, hook slide, heel tap, hook slide
1-4Right heel tap, hook, step and slide left next to right
5-8Left heel tap, hook, step and slide right next to left
Vine right, vine left with quarter turn to left
1-4Step to right side, step behind with left foot, step to side with right and touch left beside right
5-8Step to left, step behind with right foot, step ¼ turn to the left and touch right foot beside left
Rumba box to right and back
1-2Step to right, step left foot beside right (put weight on left)
3-4Step back with right foot and touch left foot beside right
5-6Step left foot to left, step right next to left (put weight on right)
7-8Step forward with left, bring right beside left (keep weight on left)
Rock forward and back, lock step back, rock back and forward, ¼ pivot cross
1&2Rock forward on right foot, rock back on left, step back with right
3&4Step back with left, cross right in front of left, step back with left
5&6Rock back with right, put weight on left and step forward with right
7&8Step forward with left, ¼ pivot right on right foot and cross left over right
Turning vine with ¼ turn to left
1-2Step to right, left behind right
3-4½ turn right (weight on right), step left beside right
5-6Step right behind left, ¼ turn to left (weight on left)
7-8Step right beside left, step left beside right (weight on left)
Toe tap, kick, coaster step/stomp, stomp with left
1-2Step forward with right, tap left toe back
3-4Step in place with left, kick with right foot
5-6Step back with right, step left beside right,
7-8Step forward with right stomp, step left beside right stomp
Last Update - 13 Apr 2022
Two ¼ Montereys
1-2Touch right toe to right side pivoting 1/4 right on ball of left foot, step right next to left.
3-4Touch left toe to left, step left next to right and put weight on left
5-6Touch right toe to right side pivoting 1/4 right on ball of left foot, step right next to left.
7-8Touch right toe to right side pivoting 1/4 right on ball of left foot, step right next to left.
Heel tap, hook slide, heel tap, hook slide
1-4Right heel tap, hook, step and slide left next to right
5-8Left heel tap, hook, step and slide right next to left
Vine right, vine left with quarter turn to left
1-4Step to right side, step behind with left foot, step to side with right and touch left beside right
5-8Step to left, step behind with right foot, step ¼ turn to the left and touch right foot beside left
Rumba box to right and back
1-2Step to right, step left foot beside right (put weight on left)
3-4Step back with right foot and touch left foot beside right
5-6Step left foot to left, step right next to left (put weight on right)
7-8Step forward with left, bring right beside left (keep weight on left)
Rock forward and back, lock step back, rock back and forward, ¼ pivot cross
1&2Rock forward on right foot, rock back on left, step back with right
3&4Step back with left, cross right in front of left, step back with left
5&6Rock back with right, put weight on left and step forward with right
7&8Step forward with left, ¼ pivot right on right foot and cross left over right
Turning vine with ¼ turn to left
1-2Step to right, left behind right
3-4½ turn right (weight on right), step left beside right
5-6Step right behind left, ¼ turn to left (weight on left)
7-8Step right beside left, step left beside right (weight on left)
Toe tap, kick, coaster step/stomp, stomp with left
1-2Step forward with right, tap left toe back
3-4Step in place with left, kick with right foot
5-6Step back with right, step left beside right,
7-8Step forward with right stomp, step left beside right stomp
Last Update - 13 Apr 2022