Restart on wall 3, 4 ct tag wall 8
Count In: 16 ct
[1 – 8] K step Modified 12
1 2L diagonal Fwd, R step beside L 12
3 4R diagonal Back, L step beside R 12
5 6L diagonal back, R step beside L 12
7 8R diagonal fwd w/ 1/4 turn R, L step beside R w/ 1/4 turn R 12
Tag wall 8 Hold “1,2,3”, Clap on “& 4’ keep weight R 12
[9 – 16] L 1/4 X3, Flick, Cross, beside w/ 1/4 turn R, R sailor 6
1 2Step L 1/4 L, step R 1/4 L 6
3 4Step L back w/ 1/4 L, Flick R toe back 3
5 6Cross R>L , Step L beside R W/ 1/4 R 6
7 & 8R behind L, Left step together, R step Side (Restart wall 3 facing 12) 6
[17-24] L Cross, R Point, R jazz box, R Step, Slide 6
1 2Cross L>R, Point R toe to R side 6
3 4Cross R>L, step Left Back 6
5 6Step R together, Cross L>R 6
7 8Big step R, Slide touch L together to R 6
[25 – 32] L GrapeVine 1/4 turn L, Flick R, 1/2 turn L, R fwd shuffle 9
1 2L step side, Cross R behind L, 3
3 4Step L to the Side w/ 1/4 L turn, Flick R toe behind you 9
5 6Step R fwd, Step L fwd w/ 1/2 L 9
7 & 8R fwd step, L together, R fwd step 9
Tag [1-4]
1 2 3Bounce knees X2, Hold 12
& 4Clap x2 12
Last Update - 23 Dec. 2024 - R1