**Tag- 8counts After Walls 3&7 (only facing 9:00)
Sec 1: Fwd rock, Back shuffle, Back rock, Fwd shuffle
12rock R fwd, recover on L
3&4step R back, step L beside R, step R back
56rock back R, recover on L
7&8step L fwd, step R beside L, step L fwd
Sec 2: Side-Hitch* R-L, Point-Touch* Twice
1234step R to sid, hitch L, step L to side, hitch R
5678point R to side, touch R to beside L, point R to side, touch R to beside L
Sec 3: Back rock-1/2 Shuffle turn* R-L
12rock back R, recover on L
3&41/4 turn to left R side, step L beside R, 1/4 turn to left R back
56rock back L, recover on R
7&81/4 turn to right L side, step R beside L, 1/4 turn to right L back
Sec 4: Scissors step, Scissors step 1/4R, Fwd, Fwd (facing: 3:00)
123step R to side, step together L, cross R over L
456step L to side, step 1/4 turn to right R together L, step L fwd
78fwd R, fwd L
**Tag-8counts After Walls 3&7 (facing: 9:00)
Heel together* R-L ×2
1234heel diagonal R to fwd, step R together, heel diagonal L to fwd, step L together
Sec 1: Fwd rock, Back shuffle, Back rock, Fwd shuffle
12rock R fwd, recover on L
3&4step R back, step L beside R, step R back
56rock back R, recover on L
7&8step L fwd, step R beside L, step L fwd
Sec 2: Side-Hitch* R-L, Point-Touch* Twice
1234step R to sid, hitch L, step L to side, hitch R
5678point R to side, touch R to beside L, point R to side, touch R to beside L
Sec 3: Back rock-1/2 Shuffle turn* R-L
12rock back R, recover on L
3&41/4 turn to left R side, step L beside R, 1/4 turn to left R back
56rock back L, recover on R
7&81/4 turn to right L side, step R beside L, 1/4 turn to right L back
Sec 4: Scissors step, Scissors step 1/4R, Fwd, Fwd (facing: 3:00)
123step R to side, step together L, cross R over L
456step L to side, step 1/4 turn to right R together L, step L fwd
78fwd R, fwd L
**Tag-8counts After Walls 3&7 (facing: 9:00)
Heel together* R-L ×2
1234heel diagonal R to fwd, step R together, heel diagonal L to fwd, step L together