Music Intro: 12 Counts (Approx. 10 seconds)
No Tag, No Restart
Section 1 Twist & Diagonal Kick (R-L)
1-4Twist heels to R, twist toes to R, twist heels to R, L kick diagonal forward
5-8Twist heels to L, twist toes to L, twist heels to L, R kick diagonal forward
Section 2 Modified Jazz Box ¼ Turn R with Toe Strut
1-4Touch R toe over L, drop R heel, touch back on L toe, drop L heel
5-8Turn 1/4R, touch side R toe, drop R heel, touch forward L toe, drop L heel (03:00)
Section 3 Modified V Step (R-L)
1-4Step R diagonal forward to R, step L diagonal forward to L, step R back to center, touch L beside R
5-8Step L diagonal forward to L, step R diagonal forward to R, step back L to center, touch R beside L
Section 4 Jump Diagonal Forward (R-L), Jump Diagonal Back (R), Jump to Side (L)
&1-2Jump R diagonal forward to R, touch L beside R, hold (01:30)
&3-4Jump L diagonal L forward to L, touch R beside L, hold (04:30)
&5-6Jump R diagonal back, touch L beside R, hold (04:30)
&7-8Jump L to side, touch R beside L, hold (03:00)
For the last wall (wall 13), dance up to 30 counts. Replace the last 2 counts with:
&7-8Turn 3/8 L jump L to side, touch R beside L, hold (facing 12:00)
Thank You
No Tag, No Restart
Section 1 Twist & Diagonal Kick (R-L)
1-4Twist heels to R, twist toes to R, twist heels to R, L kick diagonal forward
5-8Twist heels to L, twist toes to L, twist heels to L, R kick diagonal forward
Section 2 Modified Jazz Box ¼ Turn R with Toe Strut
1-4Touch R toe over L, drop R heel, touch back on L toe, drop L heel
5-8Turn 1/4R, touch side R toe, drop R heel, touch forward L toe, drop L heel (03:00)
Section 3 Modified V Step (R-L)
1-4Step R diagonal forward to R, step L diagonal forward to L, step R back to center, touch L beside R
5-8Step L diagonal forward to L, step R diagonal forward to R, step back L to center, touch R beside L
Section 4 Jump Diagonal Forward (R-L), Jump Diagonal Back (R), Jump to Side (L)
&1-2Jump R diagonal forward to R, touch L beside R, hold (01:30)
&3-4Jump L diagonal L forward to L, touch R beside L, hold (04:30)
&5-6Jump R diagonal back, touch L beside R, hold (04:30)
&7-8Jump L to side, touch R beside L, hold (03:00)
For the last wall (wall 13), dance up to 30 counts. Replace the last 2 counts with:
&7-8Turn 3/8 L jump L to side, touch R beside L, hold (facing 12:00)
Thank You