CopperKnob Stepsheets

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All We Need Is Love

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Phrased Intermediate
Elisabeth Elkuch-Heid (CH/LIE) - 31 January 2022
All We Need Is Love (feat. Jake Isaac) - Stefanie Heinzmann
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Intro: 16 Counts - Start with the words: Who knows what love is.... !
Sequence: ABA ABA ABA A

Part A: 32c
[1-8] Touch R Toe Back, 1/2 Turn R on R, 1/4 Turn with Side Rock Cross (9), Step Down on R, 1/2 Turn L on L, 1/2 Turn L with R Back, 1/2 Turn L on L (3)
1,2Touch R Toe Back, 1/2 Turn R on R
3&41/4 Turn R with L Side, Recover R, Step L Across R
5-8Step Back on R, 1/2 Turn L on L, 1/2 Turn L with R Back, 1/2 Turn L on L (3)

[9-16] Step R Fwd, Recover L, Step L Fwd, Recover R, Walk Backwards L-R, Out-Out, Back L
1,2&Step R Fwd, Recover L, Step R next to L
3,4Step L Fwd, Recover R
5,6Step L Back, Step R Back
&7,8Step Back Out L, Step Back Out R, Step Back L

[17-24] Rock R Back, Recover L, Shuffle Fwd R, Rock Fwd L, Recover R, Rock L Side (with head movement to left side), Recover R
1,2Step Back R, Recover L
3&4Step R Fwd, Close L next to R, Step R Fwd
5-8Rock L Fwd, Recover R, Rock L to L Side with head left, Recover R

[25-32] Sailor 1/2 Turn L, Shuffle Fwd R, Rock L Fwd, Recover R, Coaster Step
1&2Step L behind R, Turn 1/2 L with R to side, Step L Fwd
3&4Step R Fwd, Close L next to R, Step R Fwd
5,6Rock Fwd L, Recover R
7&8Step L Back, Step R next to L, Step L Fwd

Part B: 16c
[1-8] Step R Across L, Touch L to L Side, Step L Across R, Touch R to R Side, Step R Behind L, Touch L to L Side, Step L Behind R, Touch R to R Side
1-4Step R Across L, Touch L to Side, Step L Across R, Touch R to Side
5-8Step R Behind L, Touch L to Side, Step L Behind R, Touch R to Side

[9-16] Body Movements in a Circle clockwise (from up left to right bending knees to up right) and against clockwise (from up right to left bending knees to up left) weight L
1-4move your body clockwise while going from up left to right, knee bend to up left
5-8move your body against clock while going from up right to left, knee bend to up right
Part B is danced after wall 1, 3 and during wall 5 after 16 Counts

Ending during wall 7 (9) Dance Steps 27&28 Shuffle R Fwd, Then Step L Fwd with 1/4 Turn R (12)
27&28Step R Fwd, Close L next to R, Step R Fwd, Step 1/4 Turn R With L next to R (12)

Paqui March 15, 2022

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