CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 158076
French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Price of Fame

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Sandra Moschel (FR) - 23 January 2022
Price of Fame (feat. Eddie Montgomery) - Tracy Lawrence
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[1-8] Toe strut fwd (R-L) - Jazzbox 1/4 turn (R)
1-2Ball right forward - Land the heel of the right
3-4Ball forward left - Land the heel of the left
5-6Cross right over left - step left back
7-81/4 turn right Step right to right - Step left forward
[9-16] Rock fwd -1/4 turn (R) - Side step - Touch (L) Step fwd (L-R-L) - Point back
1-2Step right forward with support - Return left support
3-41/4 turn right Step right to right side-Touch left next to right
5-6Step forward - Step right forward
7-8Step left forward - Point right behind left
[17-24] Back - Locked - Back - Hold - Slow coaster step 1/4 turn (R)-Touch
1-2Step right back - Cross left over right
3-4Step back - Pause
5-6Step back - Step right next to left
7-81/4 turn right Step left to left side - Touch right next to Left
[25-32] Step fwd - Locked - Step fwd - Touch - Slow Coaster step - Scuff
1-2Step right forward - Step left behind right
3-4Step forward - Touch left next to right
5-6Step back - Step right next to left
7-8Step forward - Rub right heel on the ground
Restarts: On walls 2 and 6, after the 2nd section

Final: Go to count 7 of the 2nd section and make a 1/4 turn to the right to finish at (12H)

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