Easy Intermediate Pattern Partner Circle
Couples start in side by side sweetheart position with opposite footwork through out
Man's steps are described except where noted
**We dedicate this dance to Johnny Montana, Bill "Dude" Allard and all our friends who are dancing in heaven
(1-8) Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Lady ½ turn, Shuffle
1-2Walk forward R, L
3&4Shuffle forward R, L, R
5-6Man: Walk forward L, R (bring R arms over lady's head while dropping L arms)
Lady: Step forward R turning ¼ turn L, step back L (towards LOD) turning ¼ turn L (facing RLOD)
7&8Shuffle to LOD L, R, L (man facing LOD, lady facing RLOD)
(9-16) Man ½ turn, Shuffle, Both ½ turn, Shuffle
1-2Man: Step forward R turning ¼ turn L, Step back L (towards LOD) turning ¼ turn L (both facing RLOD)
(R arms stay connected going behind man's back (hammerlock), left arms reconnect in front)
Lady: Walk in place L, R
3&4Shuffle back (towards LOD) R, L, R (facing RLOD)
5-6Starting ½ clockwise pinwheel walk L, R leading the lady
7&8Finish ½ pinwheel shuffling L, R, L (still in hammerlock now facing LOD)
(17-24) Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Step, ¼ turn, Shuffle
1-2Walk forward R, L
3&4Shuffle forward R, L, R
5-6Man: Step forward L, Pivot ¼ turn R (releasing hands) stepping R (facing OLOD)
Lady: Step forward R, Pivot ¼ turn L stepping L (facing ILOD)
7&8Shuffle away from each other stepping L, R, L (lady opposite feet)
(25-32) Step, ½ turn, Shuffle, Step, ¼ turn, Shuffle
1-2Man: Step R, Pivot ½ turn L stepping L (facing ILOD)
Lady: Step L, Pivot ½ turn R stepping R (facing OLOD)
3&4Shuffle to your partner R, L, R (now right shoulder to right shoulder, picking up R arms at shoulder)
5-6Step L, Pivot ¼ turn R stepping R (facing LOD)
7&8Shuffle to LOD stepping L, R, L reconnecting arms in sweetheart position
Begin Again
Man's steps are described except where noted
**We dedicate this dance to Johnny Montana, Bill "Dude" Allard and all our friends who are dancing in heaven
(1-8) Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Lady ½ turn, Shuffle
1-2Walk forward R, L
3&4Shuffle forward R, L, R
5-6Man: Walk forward L, R (bring R arms over lady's head while dropping L arms)
Lady: Step forward R turning ¼ turn L, step back L (towards LOD) turning ¼ turn L (facing RLOD)
7&8Shuffle to LOD L, R, L (man facing LOD, lady facing RLOD)
(9-16) Man ½ turn, Shuffle, Both ½ turn, Shuffle
1-2Man: Step forward R turning ¼ turn L, Step back L (towards LOD) turning ¼ turn L (both facing RLOD)
(R arms stay connected going behind man's back (hammerlock), left arms reconnect in front)
Lady: Walk in place L, R
3&4Shuffle back (towards LOD) R, L, R (facing RLOD)
5-6Starting ½ clockwise pinwheel walk L, R leading the lady
7&8Finish ½ pinwheel shuffling L, R, L (still in hammerlock now facing LOD)
(17-24) Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Step, ¼ turn, Shuffle
1-2Walk forward R, L
3&4Shuffle forward R, L, R
5-6Man: Step forward L, Pivot ¼ turn R (releasing hands) stepping R (facing OLOD)
Lady: Step forward R, Pivot ¼ turn L stepping L (facing ILOD)
7&8Shuffle away from each other stepping L, R, L (lady opposite feet)
(25-32) Step, ½ turn, Shuffle, Step, ¼ turn, Shuffle
1-2Man: Step R, Pivot ½ turn L stepping L (facing ILOD)
Lady: Step L, Pivot ½ turn R stepping R (facing OLOD)
3&4Shuffle to your partner R, L, R (now right shoulder to right shoulder, picking up R arms at shoulder)
5-6Step L, Pivot ¼ turn R stepping R (facing LOD)
7&8Shuffle to LOD stepping L, R, L reconnecting arms in sweetheart position
Begin Again