SECTION 1: Heel, hook, X2, forward lock step, full turn, step back, reverse rocking chair.
1&2&Dig R heel forward, hook R in front of L, repeat
3&4Step forward R, lock L behind R, step forward R
5&6Step forward L, turn ½ turn R, turn further ½ turn R stepping back on L
7&8&Rock back R, recover, rock forward R, recover.
SECTION 2: Step back and dip down, ball-change, cross shuffle, side rock, recover, cross, ½ hinge turn into side shuffle
1-2&Step back R, dipping R knee down, step L next to R, step R in place
3&4Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5&6Rock R to R side, recover onto L, cross R over L
7-8&1Turn ¼ R, stepping back L, Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side.
SECTION 3: Forward rock, side rock, behind, side, cross, rumba box
2&3&Rock forward L, recover, rock L to L side, recover
4&5Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L across R
6&7Step R to R side, step L beside R, Step forward R
8&1Step L to L side, step R beside L, step back L.
SECTION 4: Shuffle ½ turn X2, coaster step, step forward
2&3Step R turning ¼ R, step L beside R, step R turning ¼ R
4&5Step L turning ¼ R, step R beside L, step L turning ¼ R
6&7Step back R, step L beside R, step forward R
8Step forward L.
RESTARTS: There are 3 restarts, with slight step changes. These happen on walls 3, 4 & 8
Wall 3 Dance up to count 22, step L beside R, restart.
Wall 4 Dance up to count 19&, rock forward L, recover, step L beside R, restart
Wall 8 Dance up to count 8&, step back R, step L beside R, restart.
1&2&Dig R heel forward, hook R in front of L, repeat
3&4Step forward R, lock L behind R, step forward R
5&6Step forward L, turn ½ turn R, turn further ½ turn R stepping back on L
7&8&Rock back R, recover, rock forward R, recover.
SECTION 2: Step back and dip down, ball-change, cross shuffle, side rock, recover, cross, ½ hinge turn into side shuffle
1-2&Step back R, dipping R knee down, step L next to R, step R in place
3&4Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5&6Rock R to R side, recover onto L, cross R over L
7-8&1Turn ¼ R, stepping back L, Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side.
SECTION 3: Forward rock, side rock, behind, side, cross, rumba box
2&3&Rock forward L, recover, rock L to L side, recover
4&5Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L across R
6&7Step R to R side, step L beside R, Step forward R
8&1Step L to L side, step R beside L, step back L.
SECTION 4: Shuffle ½ turn X2, coaster step, step forward
2&3Step R turning ¼ R, step L beside R, step R turning ¼ R
4&5Step L turning ¼ R, step R beside L, step L turning ¼ R
6&7Step back R, step L beside R, step forward R
8Step forward L.
RESTARTS: There are 3 restarts, with slight step changes. These happen on walls 3, 4 & 8
Wall 3 Dance up to count 22, step L beside R, restart.
Wall 4 Dance up to count 19&, rock forward L, recover, step L beside R, restart
Wall 8 Dance up to count 8&, step back R, step L beside R, restart.