S1 Rt toe tap rt side front side together repeat on left side
1-4Tap right toe to right side, tap right toe forward, tap right toe to right side and step right next to left.
5-8Tap left toe to left side, tap left toe forward, tap left toe to left side and step left next to right.
S2 Right side shuffle rock left, Left side shuffle rock right.
1&2Step right to right side, bring left to right, step right to right side.
3rock back on to left foot
4rock weight forward onto right
5&6Step left to left side, bring right to left, step left to left side.
7rock back on to right foot
8rock weight forward on to left
S3 Walk forward right, left, right, Kick left ,Walk back left,right,left touch right
1-4Step forward right, step forward left, step forward right, low kick forward left foot
5-8Step back left, step back right, step back left, touch right next to left
S4 Right grapevine ¼ turn right Left grapevine touch right.
1-4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right ¼ turn to the right, touch left beside right.
5-8Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left
End of dance begin again and enjoy the ride
1-4Tap right toe to right side, tap right toe forward, tap right toe to right side and step right next to left.
5-8Tap left toe to left side, tap left toe forward, tap left toe to left side and step left next to right.
S2 Right side shuffle rock left, Left side shuffle rock right.
1&2Step right to right side, bring left to right, step right to right side.
3rock back on to left foot
4rock weight forward onto right
5&6Step left to left side, bring right to left, step left to left side.
7rock back on to right foot
8rock weight forward on to left
S3 Walk forward right, left, right, Kick left ,Walk back left,right,left touch right
1-4Step forward right, step forward left, step forward right, low kick forward left foot
5-8Step back left, step back right, step back left, touch right next to left
S4 Right grapevine ¼ turn right Left grapevine touch right.
1-4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right ¼ turn to the right, touch left beside right.
5-8Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left
End of dance begin again and enjoy the ride