High Beginner
Intro: starts on the song
Rumba box back, step fwd, pivot 1/2 L, step fwd, lock fwd
1 & 2RF step R - LF close - RF step back
3 & 4LF step L - RF close - LF step forward
5 & 6RF step fwd - RF+LF turn 1/2 L RF step forward
7 & 8LF step fwd - RF cross behind - LF step forward
Rock fwd, recover, step 1/4 turn R, cross side behind, sweep, behind side cross, mambo cross
1 & 2RF rock fwd - recover on LF - RF step aside 1/4 turn R
3 & 4LF cross over - RF step aside - LF cross behind
&RF sweep back
5 & 6RF cross behind - LF step aside - RF cross over
7 & 8LF rock L - recover on RF - LF cross over
Hinge 2x 1/4 L, cross rock, recover, side cross side, cross behind, recover, side, behind side cross
1 & 2RF step aside 1/4 L - LF step back 1/4 L - RF cross over
&recover on LF
3 & 4RF step R - LF cross over - RF step R
5 & 6LF cross behind - recover on RF - LF step aside
7 & 8RF cross behind - LF step L - RF cross over
1/4 L shuffle fwd, step fwd, pivot 1/4 L, cross, 3/4 turn R fwd, rock fwd, recover, touch
1 & 21/4 L LF step forward - RF close - LF step forward
3 & 4RF step fwd - RF+LF turn 1/4 L RF cross over
5 & 6LF step aside 1/4 R - RF step back 1/2 R - LF step forward
7 & 8RF rock fwd - recover on LF - RF touch next
*After each wall (except the 4th ) add 2 hip-sways:
1RF step R and sway hips R
2sway hips L
Rumba box back, step fwd, pivot 1/2 L, step fwd, lock fwd
1 & 2RF step R - LF close - RF step back
3 & 4LF step L - RF close - LF step forward
5 & 6RF step fwd - RF+LF turn 1/2 L RF step forward
7 & 8LF step fwd - RF cross behind - LF step forward
Rock fwd, recover, step 1/4 turn R, cross side behind, sweep, behind side cross, mambo cross
1 & 2RF rock fwd - recover on LF - RF step aside 1/4 turn R
3 & 4LF cross over - RF step aside - LF cross behind
&RF sweep back
5 & 6RF cross behind - LF step aside - RF cross over
7 & 8LF rock L - recover on RF - LF cross over
Hinge 2x 1/4 L, cross rock, recover, side cross side, cross behind, recover, side, behind side cross
1 & 2RF step aside 1/4 L - LF step back 1/4 L - RF cross over
&recover on LF
3 & 4RF step R - LF cross over - RF step R
5 & 6LF cross behind - recover on RF - LF step aside
7 & 8RF cross behind - LF step L - RF cross over
1/4 L shuffle fwd, step fwd, pivot 1/4 L, cross, 3/4 turn R fwd, rock fwd, recover, touch
1 & 21/4 L LF step forward - RF close - LF step forward
3 & 4RF step fwd - RF+LF turn 1/4 L RF cross over
5 & 6LF step aside 1/4 R - RF step back 1/2 R - LF step forward
7 & 8RF rock fwd - recover on LF - RF touch next
*After each wall (except the 4th ) add 2 hip-sways:
1RF step R and sway hips R
2sway hips L