Absolute Beginner
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Back, Touch, Forward, Touch, Back, Touch, Forward scuff turn ¼ left
1,2,3,4Step R back, touch L together, step L fwd, touch R together
5,6,7,8Step R back, touch L toe together, step L fwd, make1/4 turn L scuff R
R to Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Together, Forward, Together
1,2,3,4Stepping R to side, L behind, R to side, Cross L over R,
5,6,7,8Step R to side, Step L together, Step R forward, Step L together
Back, Touch, Forward, Touch, Back, Touch, Forward, Scuff
1,2,3,4Step R back, touch L together, Step L forward, touch R together
5,6,7,8Step R back, touch L together, Step L forward, touch R together
Right Rocking Chair, Right V step
1,2,3,4Step R forward, rock replace back on left, Step right back, rock replace forward on left
5,6,7,8Step R forward 45 degrees, Step L forward 45 degrees, Step R back centre, Step L back together
Ending: The dance finishes facing the side wall on the V step, therefore on last step of V step turn ¼ left and step Left to side facing the front wall
Back, Touch, Forward, Touch, Back, Touch, Forward scuff turn ¼ left
1,2,3,4Step R back, touch L together, step L fwd, touch R together
5,6,7,8Step R back, touch L toe together, step L fwd, make1/4 turn L scuff R
R to Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Together, Forward, Together
1,2,3,4Stepping R to side, L behind, R to side, Cross L over R,
5,6,7,8Step R to side, Step L together, Step R forward, Step L together
Back, Touch, Forward, Touch, Back, Touch, Forward, Scuff
1,2,3,4Step R back, touch L together, Step L forward, touch R together
5,6,7,8Step R back, touch L together, Step L forward, touch R together
Right Rocking Chair, Right V step
1,2,3,4Step R forward, rock replace back on left, Step right back, rock replace forward on left
5,6,7,8Step R forward 45 degrees, Step L forward 45 degrees, Step R back centre, Step L back together
Ending: The dance finishes facing the side wall on the V step, therefore on last step of V step turn ¼ left and step Left to side facing the front wall