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Martha Divine

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High Improver
Tina Argyle (UK) - August 2021
Martha Divine - Ashley McBryde
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Count In : Start on the word "feeling" aprrox. 7 seconds into the track with the drum beats

R Chasse Rock Back, Recover. L Chasse Rock Back, Recover.
1& 2Step R to right side, close L at side of R, step R to right side
3- 4Rock L behind R, recover onto R
5&6Step L to left side, close R at side of L, step L to left side
7- 8Rock R behind L, recover onto L

Heel Ball Cross, Side, Rock back recover, Heel Ball Cross, Side
1& 2Touch R heel to R diagonal, step R in place, cross L over R
3Step R to right side
4 - 5Rock L behind R, recover weight onto R turning slightly to L diagonal
6&7Touch L heel to L diagonal, step L in place, cross R over L
8Step L to left side

Slow R Sailor Step. Slow L Sailor Step with Step Fwd. R Shuffle Forward
1- 3Cross R behind L, step L to left side, step R to R side
4- 6Cross L behind, step R to right side, steep forward L
7&8Step fwd R, close L at side of R, step fwd R

½ Pivot Turn L Shuffle Forward. ¾ Turn. Cross Rock recover.
1- 2Step forward L make ½ pivot turn right onto R (6 o'clock)
3&4Step fwd L, close Rat side of L, step fwd L
5- 6Make ½ turn left stepping back R Step fwd R (12 o'clock), make ¼ turn left stepping L to left side (9 o'clock)
7- 8Cross rock R over L, recover weight onto L

Side Hold & Side Tap, ¼ Turn. Side Hold & Side, Clockwise Brush
1- 2Step R to right side, Hold
&3,4Close L at side of R, step R to right side, tap L at side of R
5- 6Make ¼ turn L on ball of R stepping L to left side, Hold (6 o'clock)
&7,8Close R at side of L, step L to left side, brush R past left moving the foot clockwise ready for a step to the right

Side, L Jazz Box Cross. L Side Rock recover Cross
1Step R to right side,
2,3,4,5Cross L over R, step back R, step L to left side, cross R over L,
6,7,8Rock L to left side, recover onto R, cross L over R
*** Re Start here during Wall 5 facing 6 o'clock ***

Monterey ½ Turn. Monterey ¼ Turn
1- 2Point R toe to right side, make ½ turn right stepping R at side of L (12 o'clock)
3- 4Point L toe to left side, step L at side of R
5- 6Point R toe to right side, make ¼ turn right stepping R at side of L (3 o'clock)
7- 8Point L toe to left side, step L at side of R

2 x ½ Pivot Turns , R Step Fwd. Kick. R flick back
1- 2Step forward R, make ½ pivot turn left onto L,
3- 4Step forward R, make ½ pivot turn left onto L,
5- 6Step forward R, kick L
7- 8Step back L, flick R back

TAG: 16 count Tag facing 6 o'clock at the end of Wall 2
1-4R Chasse Rock Back recover
5-8L Chasse Rock Back recover

1-4Diagonal step forward R touch L, Diagonal step back L touch R,
5-8Diagonal step back R touch L, Diagonal step forward L touch R,

Last Update - 13 Sept. 2021

2021 19 SEP 10 September 13, 2021
Can't beat a good beat and dance (Country Too) Nice

Julie Gillmore September 14, 2021
Fab dance to great music

tilly September 14, 2021
Fabulous dance. Dance of the weekend at our recent HH Promotions weekend at Pakefield. Well done Tina. The Lovebirds. 😂

MERMAIDSANDWALES September 18, 2021
This feels so good to dance..... I loved the music and now I love the dance .. There is a lot of good dances around at the moment and this is definitely one of them Vicky XX

Kato September 19, 2021
Great track and well choreographed dance. Love it! Well done Tina x

dancer33 September 21, 2021
Great dance on my list to do ! Love it x

Pony Chen September 25, 2021

Harmony Dance October 15, 2021
This Martha Divine Line Dance is my jam!!! So much fun to teach and dance! Well Done!!!!

Lyntonliner August 22, 2022
Great dance & your teach was just the best. Thank you

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