CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Worst Country Dance of All Time

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Sophie Cournoyer (CAN) - September 2021
Intro : When the beat starts (After the words « And It Goes »)
This dance can also be done in contra (face to face). If you do it in contra, start the dance doing two staggered lines (not directly facing each others).

[1-8] Grapevine to Right, Touch, Grapevine to Left, Scuff
1-2RF to R (1), LF behind RF (2)
3-4RF to R (3), Point LF next to RF (4) *Optionnal : If you wear a cowboy hat, tilt your head forward and take the tip of your cowboy hat with your right hand on count 4.
5-6LF to L (5), RF behind LF (6)
7-8LF to L (7), Scuff RF next to LF (8)

[9-16] (Step, Scuff) X3, Step, Touch
1-2RF forward (1), Scuff LF next to RF (2)
3-4LF forward (3), Scuff RF next to LF (4)
5-6RF forward (5), Scuff LF next to RF (6)
7-8LF forward (7), Point RF next to LF (8)
*Optional : During this section (9-16), you can do a circular anti-clockwise motion with your right hand (as if you were spinning a lasso). Watch out for your neighbor if you do it in contra! 😉

[17-24] (Side and Hold With Shimmies, Together, Hold) X2
1-2RF to R bending the knees (1), Hold (2) *Shake your shoulders during these steps.
3-4LF next to RF while straightening the knees (3), Hold (4)
5-8Repeat counts 1 to 4

[25-32] Rocking Chair, Step Pivot Hook ½ Turn to Left, Step, Hold
1-2Rock RF forward (1), Recover on LF (2)
3-4Rock RF back (3), Recover on LF (4)
*TAG here at the end of wall 12 (see note below)
5-6RF forward (5), Pivot ½ turn L with a hook with the LF in front of the R leg (6)
7-8LF forward (7), Hold (8)

TAG : On wall 12, do the first 28 counts of the dance, step RF forward and slowly make a pivot ½ turn left during about 4 counts (weight on the LF). Hold and start the dance from the top after the words "And It Goes Like".

Have fun!

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