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Two Straws, One Check

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Cato Larsen (NOR) - 21 July 2021
Fancy Like - Walker Hayes : (CD: Country Stuff - EP)
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Intro: Start the dance at vocals after 16 counts of intro. (12 seconds).
Motion: Novelty (For social fun only)
Tempo: 80/160 BPM.
SOD: Speed Of Dance; Normal.

[1 - 8] ¼ Monterey Turns twice, Hold. 12:00
1,2Point right toe to right side (1), Turn (spin) ¼ turn right Stepping right next to left (2).
3,4Point left toe to left side (3). Step left next to right (4). 3:00
5,6Point right toe to right side (5), Turn (spin) ¼ turn right Stepping right next to left (6). 6:00
7,8Point left toe to left side (7). Hold (8).

[9 - 16] Rocking Chair, Run Forward, Hold.
1,2Step forward on left (1), Rock (recover) back again onto right (2).
3,4Step back on left (3), Rock (recover) forward again onto right (4).
5,6,7,8Step forward on left (5), Step forward on right (6), Step forward on left (7), Hold (8).

[17 - 24] Vine ¼ turn, ¼ Chase turn, Repeat.
1,2Step right to right side (1), Cross left behind right (2).
3,4Turn ¼ turn right Stepping forward on right (3), Hold (4). 9:00
5,6Step forward on left (5), Turn (swivel) ¼ turn right (6). 12:00
7,8Cross left over right (7), Hold (8).

[25 - 32] Vine ¼ turn, ¼ Chase turn, Repeat.
1,2Step right to right side (1), Cross left behind right (2).
3,4Turn ¼ turn right Stepping forward on right (3), Hold (4). 3:00
5,6Step forward on left (5), Turn (swivel) ¼ turn right (6). 6:00
7,8Cross left over right (7), Hold (8).
Restart: Restart herfra på vegg nr. 2: Bytt ut taktslag 5,6,7,8 med disse:
Step fram på venstre (5), Snu (swivel) 180 grader mot høyre (6). Snu 90 grader mot høyre og Step venstre til venstre side (7), Hold (8).

[33 - 40] Toe Touches & Heel Touches.
1,2Point right toe to right side (1), Step right next to left (2).
3,4Point left toe to left side (3), Step left next to right (4).
5,6Touch right heel forward (5), Step right next to left (6).
7,8Touch left heel forward (7), Step left next to right (8).

[41 - 48] Side Touches with ¼ turn each, twice.
1,2Turn ¼ turn left Stepping right to right side (1), Touch left toe next to right (2). 3:00
3,4Step left to left side (3), Touch right toe next to left (4).
5,6Turn ¼ turn left Stepping right to right side (5), Touch left toe next to right (6). 12:00
7,8Step left to left side (7), Touch right toe next to left (8).

[49 - 56] Slow Out-Out, In-In with hips.
1,2Step right to right side Swaying your hips to the right side (1), Hold (2).
3,4Step left slightly to left side Swaying your hips to the left side (3), Hold (4).
5,6,7,8Step right back to center (5), Hold (6), Step left next to right (7), Hold (8).

[57 - 64] Hip Bumps with attitude & shoulder shrugs.
1,2,3,4Bump your hips 3 times right (1,2,3), Hold (4).
5,6,7,8Bump your hips 3 times left (5,6,7), Hold (8).
Leaning to either side while bumping your hips will make them with more attitude.
Shoulder shrugs (up and down movement) is optional.

[65 - 72] Modified Sailor Steps.
1,2Cross right behind left (1), Step left slightly to left side (2).
3,4Step right slightly to right side (3), Cross left behind right (4).
5,6Step right foot slightly to right side (5), Step left slightly to left side (6).
7,8Touch right toe next to left (7), Hold (8).

[73 - 80] Slow Side Touches with Whipped Cream arms.
Both arms in front of your body, formed like you were going to mirror yourself in your hands:
1,2,3,4Step right to right side (1), Hold (2), Touch left next to right (3), Hold (4).
5,6,7,8Step left to left side (5), Hold (6), Touch right next to left (7), Hold (8).
Elbow bent, hand with palms in facing your face (as you were to mirror your self in the palm of your hands.
Swing both underarms full turn anticlockwise (1,2,3,4).
Swing both underarms full turn clockwise (5,6,7,8).

[81 - 88] Two Straws, One Check, Girl I got you!
1,2Step left to left side and Cross both arms in front of chest showing the V-sign on both arms (1,2). (Palms towards body).
3,4Lower left arm and rise right underarm up and point your right pointing finger in the air (3,4).
5,6Point right pointing finger straight forward (5,6).
7,8Roll your hips full revolution counterclockwise (7,8).

[89 - 96] Cross Shuffle, Hitch-Ronde, Cross Shuffle.
1,2,3Cross right over left (1), Step left to left side (2), Cross right over left (3).
4Hitch left knee slightly up and swing left leg around in front clockwise (4).
5,6,7,8Cross left over right (5), Step right to right side (6), Cross left over right (7), Hold (8).

[97 - 104] Side Touches with Side Body Rolls (Snake Roll).
1,2Step right to right side (1), Hold (2).
3,4Touch left toe next to right (3), Hold (4).
5,6Step left to left side (5), Hold (6).
7,8Touch right toe next to left (7), Hold (8).
Optional: Sideways Body Rolls (Snake Roll) to each side on the side touches.

[105-112] Out-Out, In-In, Hip Bumps with Shoulder Shrugs & Knee Pops.
1,2Step right to right side (1), Step left slightly to left side (2).
3,4Step right back to center (3), Step left next to right (4).
5Bump your hips right as you Pop your right knee forward by lifting right heel (5).
6Bump your hips left as you Pop your left knee forward by lifting left heel and lowering right foot (6).
7 8Bump your hips right as you Pop your right knee forward by lifting right heel and lowering left (7). Hold (8).

[113-120] Vine, Hold & Prep, Rolling Vine, Hold.
1,2Step right to right side (1), Cross left behind right (2).
3,4Step right to right side (3), Hold and Prep for left turn (4).
5Turn ¼ turn left Stepping forward on left (5). 9:00
6Turn (pivot) ½ turn left Stepping back on right (6). 3:00
7,8Turn (pivot) ¼ turn left Stepping left to left side (7), Hold (8). 12:00

DanseNina August 31, 2021
Just love this dance! Picking up the music and lyrics and give room for moves and styling!

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