Intro: 32 counts(24 secs) - 2 restarts: at W3 & W6@16 counts
Sec-1 Side Mambo x 2, 1/2R sailor, Weave step
1&2R to R-side 1) rock recover L &) R next L 2)
3&4L to L -side 3) rock recover R &) L next R 4 )
5&61/2R R behind L 5) L -L side &) R -R side 6) 6:00
7&8L behind R 7) R side &) Cross L over R 8)
Sec-2 Cross Samba x 2, R cross , L scissor, R touch beside
1&2Cross R over L 1) L to L side &) R to R side 2)
3&4Cross L over R 3) R to R side &) L to L side 4)
5-6&7-8Cross R over L 5) L to L side 6) R tog L with hip to L &) Cross L over R 7) R touch beside L 8) 6:00 *W3&W6 restart here
Sec-3 Volta 1/2R half - turn , Dorothy step x2
1&2&3&4Cross R over L 1) 1/8R L ball side &) 1/8R cross R over L 2) 1/8R L ball side &) 1/8R cross over L 3) L ball side &) R touch beside L 4) 12:00
5 -6&R diagonal fwd 5) L behind R 6) R fwd &)
7 -8&L diagonal fwd 7) R behind L 8) L fwd &) 10:30
Sec- 4 3/8R R shuffle, L fwd , 1/4R pivot with L flick out, Cross shuffle, R back and sit , recover back to L
1&2 3/8R R fwd 1) L behind R &) R fwd 2) 3:00
3 -4L fwd 3) 1/4R R pivot turn with L flick out 4) 6:00
5&6Cross L over R 5) R-R side &) cross L over R 6)
7 -8R back and sit on R hip 7) recover back to L 8)
*Restarts : at W3&W6 dance 16 counts
Sec-1 Side Mambo x 2, 1/2R sailor, Weave step
1&2R to R-side 1) rock recover L &) R next L 2)
3&4L to L -side 3) rock recover R &) L next R 4 )
5&61/2R R behind L 5) L -L side &) R -R side 6) 6:00
7&8L behind R 7) R side &) Cross L over R 8)
Sec-2 Cross Samba x 2, R cross , L scissor, R touch beside
1&2Cross R over L 1) L to L side &) R to R side 2)
3&4Cross L over R 3) R to R side &) L to L side 4)
5-6&7-8Cross R over L 5) L to L side 6) R tog L with hip to L &) Cross L over R 7) R touch beside L 8) 6:00 *W3&W6 restart here
Sec-3 Volta 1/2R half - turn , Dorothy step x2
1&2&3&4Cross R over L 1) 1/8R L ball side &) 1/8R cross R over L 2) 1/8R L ball side &) 1/8R cross over L 3) L ball side &) R touch beside L 4) 12:00
5 -6&R diagonal fwd 5) L behind R 6) R fwd &)
7 -8&L diagonal fwd 7) R behind L 8) L fwd &) 10:30
Sec- 4 3/8R R shuffle, L fwd , 1/4R pivot with L flick out, Cross shuffle, R back and sit , recover back to L
1&2 3/8R R fwd 1) L behind R &) R fwd 2) 3:00
3 -4L fwd 3) 1/4R R pivot turn with L flick out 4) 6:00
5&6Cross L over R 5) R-R side &) cross L over R 6)
7 -8R back and sit on R hip 7) recover back to L 8)
*Restarts : at W3&W6 dance 16 counts