CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Losing All Control (WDM21)

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Phrased Advanced
Mark Furnell (UK), Chris Godden (UK), Ray Jones (WLS) & Matt Lewis (UK) - July 2021
Stay - Tooji
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#32 Count Intro / Approx 15 Secs
Sequence: A, B, Tag 1, A, B, Tag 1, Tag 2, B, B, Tag 1

Part A
[01 - 08]: Heel Grind, ¼ Turn, Extended Back Shuffle, Together, Step, Together, Body Roll
1 -2Grind right heel to right, turn ¼ right step left back (3:00)
3&4&5Step right back, step left beside right, step right back, step left beside right, step right back
6&Step left beside right, step right forward
7-8Step left beside right body rolling up from knees to head

[09 - 16]: Walk, Walk, Step ½ Pivot Step, Ball Rock, Ball Step ¼ Hitch
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3&4Step right forward, turn ½ left transferring weight onto left, step right forward (9:00)
&5-6Step left beside right, rock right forward, recover weight onto left
&7-8Step right beside left, step left forward, turn ¼ right hitch right knee (12:00)

[17 - 24]: Skate, Skate, Shuffle, Skate Skate , Shuffle
1-2Step right to right diagonal, step left to left diagonal
3&4Step right to right diagonal, step left beside right, step right to right diagonal
5-6Step left to left diagonal, step right to right diagonal
7&8Step left to left diagonal, step right beside left, step left to left diagonal

[25 - 32]: ⅛ Press, Slide, Press, Slide, Step ⅜ Pivot, Side, Side
1-2Turn ⅛ left press right toe forward, slide left foot back keeping weight on right (10:30)
3-4Press left toe forward, slide right foot back keeping weight on left
5-6Step right forward, turn ⅜ left transferring weight onto left (6:00)
7-8Step right to right, transfer weight onto left
Arms wipe brow with right hand

[33 - 40]: Cross, ¼ Turn, Coaster Step, Step ¼ Pivot, Behind Side Cross
1-2Cross right over left, step left to left
3&4Turn ¼ right step right back, step left beside right, step right forward (9:00)
5-6Step left forward, turn ¼ right transferring weight onto right (12:00)
7&8Step left behind right, Step right to right, Cross left over right

[41 - 48]: Out Out, Arms, Body Rotation, Step
1-2Step right to right diagonal, step left to left
3-4Place right arm forward at shoulder height, place left arm forward at shoulder height
5-8Rotate body from left to right anti-clockwise (weight ends on left)

[49 - 56]: Jazzbox ¼ Turn, Jazzbox ¼ Turn (6:00)
1-2Cross right over left, turn ¼ right step left back
3-4Step right to right, step left forward
5-6Cross right over left, turn ¼ right step left back
7-8Step right to right, step left forward

[57 - 64]: Out Out, Arms, Body Roll
1-2Step right to right diagonal, step left to left
3-4Place right hand on center of chest, place left hand on right hand
5-8Body roll from head to feet weight ending on left

Part B
[01 - 08]: Dorothy Step, Dorothy Step, Out Out, Ball Cross, ½ Unwind
1-2&Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
3-4&Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward
5-6Step right to right diagonal, step left to left
&7-8Step right beside left, cross left over right, unwind ½ right weight on left (12:00)

[09 - 16]: Walk, Walk, Kick Ball Step, Walk, Walk, Step ¼ Pivot
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3&4Kick right forward, step right beside left, step left forward
5-6Step right forward, step left forward
7-8Step right forward, turn ¼ left transferring weight onto left (9:00)
7Cross arms in front of chest making an X
&Take both arms out to the each side, elbows bent at 90 degree angle, hands at head height
8Keep elbows bent at 90 degree angle, drop both hands down

[17 - 24]: Cross, Hold, Ball Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, ¼ Weave
1-2Cross right over left, hold
&3&4Step left beside right, cross right over left, step left beside right, cross right over left
5-6Rock left to left, recover weight onto right
7&8Step left behind right, turn ¼ right step right forward, step left forward (12:00)

[25 - 32]: Kick Ball Heel, Ball Touch ½ Unwind, Cross & Heel, Ball Cross, ½ Unwind
1&2Kick right forward, step right beside left, touch left heel forward
&3-4Step left beside right, touch right toe back, unwind ½ right transferring weight onto right (6:00)
5&6Cross left over right, step right to right, touch left heel diagonally forward
&7-8Step left beside right, cross right over left, unwind ½ left transferring weight onto left (12:00)

Tag 1
[01 - 08]: Slide, Weave, Stomp, Hold, Ball Cross Shuffle
1-2Step right to right sliding left towards right
3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
5-6Stomp right to right, hold
&7&8Step left beside right, cross right over left, step left beside right, cross right over left

[09 - 16]: Slide, Weave, Stomp, Hold, Ball Cross Shuffle
1-2Step left to left sliding right towards left
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
5-6Stomp left to left, hold
&7&8Step right beside left, cross left over right, step right beside left, cross left over right

Tag 2
[01 - 08]: Vine ¼ Turn, Step ½ Pivot Step, Touch, Back
1-3Step right to right, step left behind right, turn ¼ right step right forward (3:00)
4-6Step left forward, turn ½ right transferring weight onto right, step left forward (9:00)
7-8Touch right behind left, step right back

[09 - 16]: Side, Hold, Ball Side Shuffle, Side, Hold, Ball Side Shuffle
1-2Step left to left, hold
&3&4Step right beside left, step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left
5-6Step right to right, hold
&7&8Step left beside right, step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right

[17 - 24]: ⅛ Rocking Chair, Step ½ Pivot, Walk, Walk
1-2Turn ⅛ right rock left forward, recover weight onto right (10:30)
3-4Rock left back, recover weight onto right
5-6Step left forward, turn ½ right transferring weight onto right (4:30)
7-8Step left forward, step right forward

[25 - 36]: Jump & Touch, ⅛ Back, ¼ Step, Full Turn Step, Jump Out, Arms
&1-2Jump forward onto left touching right behind left, turn ⅛ left step right back (3:00)
3&4Turn ¼ left step left forward, full turn left step right beside left (12:00)
&5-6Jump both feet out punching both arms forward, punch both arms forward
7&8Punch both arms forward, punch both arms forward, punch right arm up
Note: On punches forward, start with first punch at shoulder height and lower on the following punches
1-4Slowly pull right arm down

Bushe August 6, 2021
Did this dance at WDM, Fantastic 👏 Well done boys

571029 August 6, 2021
Aw Brilliant Dance, love it

Christine85 August 7, 2021
Love this dance! Well done boys

TiniCreative August 8, 2021
Fantastice choreography... it!

Niels August 12, 2021
Very cool!

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