Absolute Beginner
Intro 32 counts after heavy beat (14 seconds) on the word “before”
Section 1: Side, flick, side, hitch, grapevine, touch
1,2Step right to right side. Flick left behind right (*see below)
3,4Step left to left side. Hitch right knee (*see below)
5,6Step right to right side. Step left behind right
7,8Step right to right side. Touch left next to right
*Optional hand movement: Slap left foot with right hand on count 2, slap right knee with left hand on count 4
Section 2:Side, flick, side, hitch, grapevine ¼ turn, touch
1,2Step left to left side. Flick right behind left (*see below)
3,4Step right to right side. Hitch left knee (*see below)
5,6Step left to left side. Step right behind left
7,8Step forward on left making ¼ turn left. Touch right next to left
*Optional hand movement: Slap right foot with left hand on count 2, slap left knee with right hand on count 4
Section 3:Walk, walk, walk, kick, back, kick (clap), back, kick (clap)
1,2Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left
3,4Walk forward on right. Kick left forward
5,6Step back on left. Kick right forward and clap
7,8Step back on right. Kick left forward and clap
Section 4:Left coaster, brush, jazz box
1,2Step back on left. Step right next to left
3,4Step left forward. Brush right next to left
5,6Cross right over left. Step back on left
7,8Step right to right side. Cross left over right
Last Update - 27 June 2021
Section 1: Side, flick, side, hitch, grapevine, touch
1,2Step right to right side. Flick left behind right (*see below)
3,4Step left to left side. Hitch right knee (*see below)
5,6Step right to right side. Step left behind right
7,8Step right to right side. Touch left next to right
*Optional hand movement: Slap left foot with right hand on count 2, slap right knee with left hand on count 4
Section 2:Side, flick, side, hitch, grapevine ¼ turn, touch
1,2Step left to left side. Flick right behind left (*see below)
3,4Step right to right side. Hitch left knee (*see below)
5,6Step left to left side. Step right behind left
7,8Step forward on left making ¼ turn left. Touch right next to left
*Optional hand movement: Slap right foot with left hand on count 2, slap left knee with right hand on count 4
Section 3:Walk, walk, walk, kick, back, kick (clap), back, kick (clap)
1,2Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left
3,4Walk forward on right. Kick left forward
5,6Step back on left. Kick right forward and clap
7,8Step back on right. Kick left forward and clap
Section 4:Left coaster, brush, jazz box
1,2Step back on left. Step right next to left
3,4Step left forward. Brush right next to left
5,6Cross right over left. Step back on left
7,8Step right to right side. Cross left over right
Last Update - 27 June 2021