Dance starts 16 counts from the start of music. (16 counts before the vocals)
Weight starts on Left foot.
[1-8] Grapevine right then left
1-4(Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Touch L next to R) for extra style Hop and Clap on 4.
5-8(Step L to L side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Touch R next to L) for extra style Hop and Clap on 8.
[9-16] Hop in place, Hop in place, Hip Roll and Heel R, Hip Roll and Heel L
&,1,2,&,3,4(Hop in place landing L, Tap R, Hold (for style shake hips), Hop in place landing L, Tap R, Hold (for style shake hips))
5-8(Hip roll to the R moving weight to R, L heel out at diagonal, Hip roll to the L moving weight to L, R heel out at diagonal)
[17-24] Two Lasso 1/8 pivots, Tw o "gallop" lassoing step togethers
(For style, swing your arm around your head making a lasso movement for the entire 8 count)
1-4(Step forward R, 1/8 pivot onto L while completing a hip roll, Step forward R, 1/8 pivot onto L while completing a hip roll)
5-8(Step forward R continuing the lasso motion, Step together L, Step forward R continuing the lasso motion, Step together L)
[25-32] Four heel touches forward, Scuff, Heel Hook, 1/4 Turn, Out, Out.
1,&,2,&,3,&,4,&(Present R heel forward, Step R, L heel forward, Step L, R heel forward, Step R, L heel forward, Step L)
5,6,7,&,8(Scuff R foot, Cross R heel over L knee while touching foot with left hand and starting a 1/4 turn to 6:00, R swings down completing turn unweighted, Weight onto R, Weight onto L)
Step sheet created by Adam Cherko on behalf of Jessica Lynn. Please direct any questions to
Weight starts on Left foot.
[1-8] Grapevine right then left
1-4(Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Touch L next to R) for extra style Hop and Clap on 4.
5-8(Step L to L side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Touch R next to L) for extra style Hop and Clap on 8.
[9-16] Hop in place, Hop in place, Hip Roll and Heel R, Hip Roll and Heel L
&,1,2,&,3,4(Hop in place landing L, Tap R, Hold (for style shake hips), Hop in place landing L, Tap R, Hold (for style shake hips))
5-8(Hip roll to the R moving weight to R, L heel out at diagonal, Hip roll to the L moving weight to L, R heel out at diagonal)
[17-24] Two Lasso 1/8 pivots, Tw o "gallop" lassoing step togethers
(For style, swing your arm around your head making a lasso movement for the entire 8 count)
1-4(Step forward R, 1/8 pivot onto L while completing a hip roll, Step forward R, 1/8 pivot onto L while completing a hip roll)
5-8(Step forward R continuing the lasso motion, Step together L, Step forward R continuing the lasso motion, Step together L)
[25-32] Four heel touches forward, Scuff, Heel Hook, 1/4 Turn, Out, Out.
1,&,2,&,3,&,4,&(Present R heel forward, Step R, L heel forward, Step L, R heel forward, Step R, L heel forward, Step L)
5,6,7,&,8(Scuff R foot, Cross R heel over L knee while touching foot with left hand and starting a 1/4 turn to 6:00, R swings down completing turn unweighted, Weight onto R, Weight onto L)
Step sheet created by Adam Cherko on behalf of Jessica Lynn. Please direct any questions to