CopperKnob Stepsheets

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High Beginner Contra
Elisabet Herngren (SWE) & Sólveig Ingólfsdóttir (SWE) - June 2021
Go West - Pet Shop Boys
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Choreographed for the linedance event "Lika värde" in Lerdala, Sweden

Intro: 18 s + 16 c heavy beat = 35 s

Start with two metres gaps in the line and two metres between the lines.
Start facing gaps/intervals in the opposite line.
Section 1 [1-8] Weave, Point x2
1-4Cross RF over LF, L to side, R behind L, point L to side
5-8Cross LF over RF, R to side, L behind R, point R to side
Section 2 [9-16] Forward, Point, Back, Point, Jazzbox, Forward
1-2-3-4Step R forward, point L to side, step L back, point R to side
5-6-7Step R cross over L, step back on L, step R to side
8Step L forward

Section 3 [17-24] Walk R L, Shuffle, Rocking chair
1-2Walk forward R, L
3&4Shuffle forward R, L, R (you will pass through the gap in the opposite line)
5-6Step L forward, recover on R
7-8Step L back, recover on R

Section 4 [25-32] Vine ¼, Brush ¼, Chassé, Sailor step
1-2-3Step L to side, step R behind L, ¼ turn left step L forward 9.00
4Brush R ¼ turn left 6.00
5&6Step R to side, step L beside R, step R to side
7&8Step L behind R, step R to side, step L to side
TAG: After wall 11 - 4 counts
Diagonally rock, Side rock
1-2Step R cross over L, recover on L
3-4Step R to side, recover on L

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