CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I'm Just So Glad You Exist

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Terry Daily (USA) - June 2021
Glad You Exist - Dan + Shay
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¼ Heel Grind, Coaster, Shuffle, Touch & Hip Bumps
1-2Press R Heel into ground and recover on L while turning ¼ turn R
3&4Step back R, Step L next to R, Step Fwd R
5&6Step Fwd L, step R next to L, step fwd L
7&8Touch R toe fwd and R hip bump up and down
(Alternative to touch and hip bumps....You can step and twist both heels out and in)

Shuffle, ¼ Sailor, ¼ Turn, Crossing Shuffle
1&2Step back R, step L next to R, step back R
3&4Sweep L behind R while turning ¼ turn L, step down R, Step down L
5-6Step fwd R turn ¼ turn over L shoulder, shift weight to L and step down
7&8Cross R over L and step down, step L slightly to L side, cross R over L again
Restarts are here on 3rd wall @ 3:00 and 6th wall @ 6:00
(Change crossing shuffle to a cross side touch. They will be singing Ooh Oohs!) )

Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Rock and Recover, Kick Out Out
1-2Rock L out to L side, Recover R
3&4Step L behind R, Step R out to R side, Cross L over R
5-6Rock R to R side; recover to L
7&8Kick R fwd, Step out and down R, Step Out L (weight ends L)
(add some style here with the rocks and hips)

Hip Bumps, ½ Turn, Kick Ball Change
1-2Hip Bumps; 2 R hip bumps to the R (high)
3-4Hip Bumps; 2 L hip bumps to the L (low)
5-6Step fwd R, make a ½ turn over L shoulder and shift weight to L
7&8Kick R foot fwd, Step down R, step down L

There are 2 restarts on the 3rd and 6th walls.
You will have to change the crossing shuffles to a cross side touch and Restart.

Hope you enjoy the Dance!!!
Please do not alter stepsheet.
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Last Update - 1 July 2021

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