CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Glenn Ball (USA) & Emeline Rochefeuille (FR) - April 2021
BOOM - X Ambassadors
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Count In: 1 8 intro, start on lyrics
Tag: On wall 3, start at count 5th 8. Plus, on the final 8, miss counts 3-6 (after the slide, take 3 the steps back 78&). CONFUSING!
Tip: Please use this step sheet along with the YouTube dance through

[1st 8] Walk back L R, 3 Sailor Shuffles L R L.
1,2Step LF back (1); Step RF Back (2)
3&4,5&6,7&8Cross LF behind RF (3); Step RF next to LF (&); Step LF to side to complete triple step (4); Repeat triple on LF (5&6); Repeat triple on RF (7&8)

[2nd 8] Walk Forward, Heel Toe Knee Out, Heel Toe Knee In, Heel Toe Knee Out
1,2Step RF forward (1); Step LF next to RF (2)
3&4Turn R heel out (3); Turn R toe out so toe is facing the right corner (&); Pop the R knee and push weight on to the pressed right foot (4)
5&6Place R heel down (5); Turn R toe in (&); Turn the R heel collecting feet (6)
7&8Repeat 3&4 (7&8)

[3rd 8] Slide Foot In, Heel, Heel Toe, Toe X3
&1,2Keep R foot pressed on ball of foot. Tap R hand on R knee (&); Drop R Heel to floor and slide R foot in to LF (1,2)
3&4&,5&6&,7&8&Step R heel forward (3); Step L heel forward so you're balancing on both heels (&); Step RF back underneath yourself (4); Step LF back underneath yourself (&); Repeat (5&6&); Repeat (7&8&)

[4th 8] Slide L, Turn Heels Out, Glide Right Foot, Twist Toe Heel Toe Heel
1,2Step LF big step to L (1); Slide RF in to meet LF (2).
3&4Keeping balls of the feet on the floor. Turn R heel out to R side keeping hips facing front (3); Repeat on L heel as R heel drops back to centre (&); Drop L heel back to centre (4)
5&6,Place RF forward flat, keeping weight back on LF (5); Glide RF backwards and passed LF as L heel lifts up (&): Lift up RF to your L knee as L heel returns to floor to finish the gliding motion (6)
7&8&Place RF down next to LF as you turn both toes to R (7); Turn both Heels to the R as you start to work your direction to the R (&); Turn both Toes to the R as you continue travel R (8); Finish the twists turning both your heels to the R (&)

[5th 8] Kick Ball Change, Mambo Side, Heel Toes Pop, Body Roll
1&2Kick LF to L diagonal (1); Place LF down (&); Cross LF over RF (2)
3&4Step LF to side (3); Step RF in place (&); Step LF back into center next to RF (4);
5&6&Twist both toes out (5); Twist both heels out as your legs separate (&); Twist both toes out ending with legs wide (6); Pop both knees lifting up heels (&)
7,8Drop heels down starting a body roll up (Hips, chest then shoulders) (7,8)

[6th 8] Elvis Legs Left, Elvis Legs Right, Heel Toe Swivels In
1&2Turn L knee in as you lift L heel (1); Turn L knee out keeping L heel up (keeping chest facing forwards) (&); Turn chest to face the same way as your knee and move chest weight over knee (2)
3&4Turn L knee in keeping L heel lifted (3); Turn R knee to middle to meet L knee (&); Turn R knee out keeping R heel up while turning chest to face the same way as your knee and move chest weight over knee (4)
5&6&7&8Step R heel in (5) Turn the R toe in passed the R heel (&) Turn the R heel in passed the R toe (6) Repeat heel, toe, heel, toe (&7&8) Start to walk RF across in front of your LF.

[7th 8] Glide To Right, Behind Side Front, Shag Kick, Ball Change, Heels Toe.
1,2Cross RF across L (1): Step LF to the side (2) (Glide off of the R foot for a challenge)
3&4Step RF behind LF (3); Step LF to the side (&): Step RF in front LF (4)
5&6Face L diagonal and scuff LF (5) Face R diagonal and kick L foot back straight (keeping knee straight) (&); Lock LF behind RF and pop R knee (6
&7&8Step RF next to your LF (&); Cross LF over RF (7); Place feet together and twist heels to the R side (&); Twist both toes to the R (8)

[8th 8] Repeat to R. Glide To Right, Behind Side Front, Shag Kick, Ball Change, Heels Toe.
1,2Cross LF across R (1): Step RF to the side (2) (Glide off of the L foot for a challenge)
3&4Step LF behind RF (3); Step RF to the side (&): Step LF in front RF (4)
5&6Face R diagonal and scuff RF (5) Face L diagonal and kick R foot back straight (keeping knee straight) (&); Lock RF behind LF and pop L knee (6
&7&8Step LF next to your RF (&); Cross RF over LF (7); Place feet together and twist heels to the L side (&); Twist both toes to the L (8)

[9th 8] Slide To Right, Hop Scotch, Kick Ball change, Half Turn X2
1,2Step big step to R and Slide the LF in slowly (1,2)
3&4Hop on to LF and kick RF forward and slightly across the LF (&) Jump feet apart landing with knees bent with feet facing slightly to L diagonal (3); Body-roll up starting with the knees and ending with your weight on your L (4)
5&6Kick the RF forward (5) Place the RF down (&); Step LF forward (6)
78&Turn a half turn to face the back over R shoulder placing weight onto the L leg (7); Tap RF to back (8); Turn half turn over R shoulder finishes the turn with weight on R (&)

[10th 8] Repeat on R. Slide To Left, Hop Scotch, Kick Ball change, Half Turn X2
1,2Step big step to L and Slide the RF in slowly (1,2)
3&4Hop on to RF and kick LF forward and slightly across the RF (&) Jump feet apart landing with knees bent with feet facing slightly to R diagonal (3); Body-roll up starting with the knees and ending with your weight on your R (4)
5&6Kick the LF forward (5); Place the LF down (&); Step RF forward (6)
78&Turn a half turn to face the back over L shoulder placing weight onto the R leg (7); Tap LF to back (8); Turn half turn over L shoulder finishes the turn with weight on L (&)

[11th 8] Chugs forward, Rock Right, Rock Left, Side Together Side
1,2,3,4Open feet to shoulder width and shunt small chugs forward (1,2,3,4)
56Rock to the R side stepping RF out (5); Rock back on LF in place (6)
7&8Step RF to R side (7); Close LF to RF (&); Step RF to R side (8)

[12th 8] Slide L, Knee Pops, Stomps Forward, Fish Tails
1,2Step big step with LF to side (1); Close RF to LF turning to R diagonal (2)
&3,4Lift both heels popping knees forward (&); Reset heels down (3); Hold (4)
56&Stomp RF forward placing weight on to it (5); Cheating RF forward while keeping weight forward (6); Cheat RF a bit further again (7)
78&Step RF Back (7); Step LF back (8); Step RF Back (&) (for a challenge fish tail these steps)


BrittB April 29, 2021
so fun learning this from you at Heart Of Texas - thanks for sharing it on Copperknob. I'll be teaching it xxx

Janet Nini November 23, 2021
Such an exceptional dance! Love it so much!!

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