Dance Info: Dance starts feet together-wt on R - Dance Starts on Lyrics
Version 1:00 - BPM [134:0] Track Length 2:25
Basic Waltz Turning ¼ Left, Back Right Coaster Step 9:00
1 2 3Turning ¼ Left-Step Fwd Left, Step R next to L
4 5 6Step Back Right, Step Left next to R, Step Fwd Right
Cross, Point, Hold, Cross, Point, Hold 9:00
1 2 3Cross L over R, Point R Toe to R Side, Hold
4 5 6Cross R over L, Point L toe to L Side, Hold
Left Cross Twinkle Step, Weave to Left Side 9:00
1 2 3Cross L over R, Rock R to R Side, Rock L to L Side
4 5 6Cross R over L, Step L to L Side, Cross/Step R behind L
Step L to Side, Drag R to L, Step R to Side, Drag L to R, Hitch L 9:00
1 2 3Step L to L Side, Drag R to meet L over 2 counts
4 5 6Step R to R Side, Drag L to meet R (1 count), Hitch L-wt on R
Contact: 0412 723 326 -
Version 1:00 - BPM [134:0] Track Length 2:25
Basic Waltz Turning ¼ Left, Back Right Coaster Step 9:00
1 2 3Turning ¼ Left-Step Fwd Left, Step R next to L
4 5 6Step Back Right, Step Left next to R, Step Fwd Right
Cross, Point, Hold, Cross, Point, Hold 9:00
1 2 3Cross L over R, Point R Toe to R Side, Hold
4 5 6Cross R over L, Point L toe to L Side, Hold
Left Cross Twinkle Step, Weave to Left Side 9:00
1 2 3Cross L over R, Rock R to R Side, Rock L to L Side
4 5 6Cross R over L, Step L to L Side, Cross/Step R behind L
Step L to Side, Drag R to L, Step R to Side, Drag L to R, Hitch L 9:00
1 2 3Step L to L Side, Drag R to meet L over 2 counts
4 5 6Step R to R Side, Drag L to meet R (1 count), Hitch L-wt on R
Contact: 0412 723 326 -