CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Get Used to Me

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Kae Mance (USA) - March 2021
Get Used to Me - Jessica Mauboy : (The Sapphires OST)
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Direction: counter-clockwise.

Count Intro: 32 counts (Start dancing on lyrics.)

Step, point RL, LR, RL, L sailor step w/ 1/4 turn to L.
1-2Step forward R, point L
3-4Step forward L, point R
5-6Step back R, point L
7&8L sailor step with 1/4 turn L (9:00)

Rock R, full hinge turn, R coaster, 1/4 turn L.
1-2Rock R forward, recover L
3-4Hinge turn back with full turn
5&6R coaster
7-8Right 1/4 turn (12:00)

Back step, rock, cross behind back LR, 1/2 pivot turn, L front lock step.
1&2Step back L behind R, R side rock, recover L cross behind
3&4Step back R behind L, L side rock, recover R cross behind
5-6Step back L behind R, 1/2 pivot turn
7&8Left front lock step (6:00)

Rock forward R, 1/4 turn R, V-step forward R-L, hips R-L.
1-2Rock forward R, recover L
3&4Step R with 1/4 turn R, recover L (9:00)
5-6Step forward RL (beginning V-step)
7-8Hip bumps RL

Wall 2 - Repeat 32 counts. (Ends 6:00)
Wall 3 - Do first 24 counts. RESTART 12:00.
WALL 4 - Dance all 32 counts. (Refrain) Ends 9:00
TAG: 1-4 Right rocking chair 9:00
WALL 5 - Dance all 32 counts. Ends 6:00.
WALL 6 - Dance first 24 counts. RESTART 12:00.
WALL 7 - Dance 28 counts. (Refrain) RESTART 9:00.
WALL 8 - Dance all 32 counts. Ends 6:00.
WALL 9 - Dance 28 counts. (Refrain) RESTART 3:00.
WALL 10 - Dance 28 counts. (Refrain) RESTART 12:00.
WALL 11 - Dance 28 counts. (Refrain) Count 27 is on 9:00 wall. On count 28, do 3/4 turn L to front on last count with right hand up in the air by the right side of your face.

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