Intermediate waltz
Intro: 12 counts
S. 1 Forward, Side and Recover, 1/2 left turn, Back and Side touch.
1 2 3Step L Forward slightly crossing over the right foot, Step R Side, Step L Recover
4 5 6Step R Forward slightly crossing over the left foot, Step L Side, Step R Recover
7 8 9Step L Forward, 1/4 left turn and step Right together, 1/4 left turn and step Left together
10 11 12Step R Back, Step L Side Touch, Hold
Repeat section 1 on the opposite Wall.
S. 2 Vine, Side, Drag and Touch, Side, Drag and Together.
1 2 3Step L Cross over right, Step R Side, Step L Cross behind
4 5 6Step R Side, Step L Drag and Touch 2 counts
7 8 9Step L Side, Step R Drag and Together 2 counts
10 11 12Step L Side, Step R Drag and Together 2 counts
Repeat section 2.
S. 3 Forward 1/2 Left Turn, Back and Sweep, Back and Side Touch.
1 2 3Step L Forward, 1/4 left turn and step Right together, 1/4 left turn and step Left together
4 5 6Step R Back, Step L Sweep 2 counts
7 8 9Step L Back, Step R Sweep 2 counts
10 11 12Step R Back, Step L Side Touch, Hold
S. 4. Forward diagonal Walk and kick, Backward Walk and Side Touch.
1 2 3Step L Forward left diagonal, Step R Forward 2 counts
4 5 6Step L Forward, Step L Forward kick 2 counts
7 8 9Step R Back, Step L Back 2 counts
10 11 12Step R Side 1/8 Right turn facing the12 o'clock Wall, Step L Side Touch, Hold
S. 5 Four 1/4 Left turns returning to the starting point.
1 2 3Step L Forward left diagonal, Step R Together facing the 9 o'clock Wall, Step L Together
4 5 6Step R Back left diagonal, Step L Together facing the 6 o'clock Wall, Step R Together
7 8 9Step L Forward left diagonal, Step R Together facing the 3 o'clock Wall, Step L Together
10 11 12Step R Back left diagonal, Step L Together facing the 12 o'clock Wall, Step R Together
S. 6 Forward and ''Rond de jambe'', Forward and Hook, Back and Together
1 2 3Step L Forward, Right Leg ''Rond de jambe'' (circular movement of the leg in the air) two counts
4 5 6Step R Forward, Step L Hook behind right leg, Hold
7 8 9Step L Back, Step R Together, Hold
10 11 12Step L Back, Step R Together, Hold
Tag. Forward and Side Touch, Back and Side Touch
1 2 3Step L Forward, Step R Side Touch, Hold
4 5 6Step R Forward, Step L Side Touch, Hold
7 8 9Step L Back, Step R Side Touch, Hold
10 11 12Step R Back, Step L Side Touch, Hold
Wall 3 you do only sections 1 and 2 followed by the tag and a restart.
For the ending after section 6, Step L Side 1/4 left turn and you pivot one more 1/4 left turn to face
the 12 o'clock Wall, Step R Side Touch.
S. 1 Forward, Side and Recover, 1/2 left turn, Back and Side touch.
1 2 3Step L Forward slightly crossing over the right foot, Step R Side, Step L Recover
4 5 6Step R Forward slightly crossing over the left foot, Step L Side, Step R Recover
7 8 9Step L Forward, 1/4 left turn and step Right together, 1/4 left turn and step Left together
10 11 12Step R Back, Step L Side Touch, Hold
Repeat section 1 on the opposite Wall.
S. 2 Vine, Side, Drag and Touch, Side, Drag and Together.
1 2 3Step L Cross over right, Step R Side, Step L Cross behind
4 5 6Step R Side, Step L Drag and Touch 2 counts
7 8 9Step L Side, Step R Drag and Together 2 counts
10 11 12Step L Side, Step R Drag and Together 2 counts
Repeat section 2.
S. 3 Forward 1/2 Left Turn, Back and Sweep, Back and Side Touch.
1 2 3Step L Forward, 1/4 left turn and step Right together, 1/4 left turn and step Left together
4 5 6Step R Back, Step L Sweep 2 counts
7 8 9Step L Back, Step R Sweep 2 counts
10 11 12Step R Back, Step L Side Touch, Hold
S. 4. Forward diagonal Walk and kick, Backward Walk and Side Touch.
1 2 3Step L Forward left diagonal, Step R Forward 2 counts
4 5 6Step L Forward, Step L Forward kick 2 counts
7 8 9Step R Back, Step L Back 2 counts
10 11 12Step R Side 1/8 Right turn facing the12 o'clock Wall, Step L Side Touch, Hold
S. 5 Four 1/4 Left turns returning to the starting point.
1 2 3Step L Forward left diagonal, Step R Together facing the 9 o'clock Wall, Step L Together
4 5 6Step R Back left diagonal, Step L Together facing the 6 o'clock Wall, Step R Together
7 8 9Step L Forward left diagonal, Step R Together facing the 3 o'clock Wall, Step L Together
10 11 12Step R Back left diagonal, Step L Together facing the 12 o'clock Wall, Step R Together
S. 6 Forward and ''Rond de jambe'', Forward and Hook, Back and Together
1 2 3Step L Forward, Right Leg ''Rond de jambe'' (circular movement of the leg in the air) two counts
4 5 6Step R Forward, Step L Hook behind right leg, Hold
7 8 9Step L Back, Step R Together, Hold
10 11 12Step L Back, Step R Together, Hold
Tag. Forward and Side Touch, Back and Side Touch
1 2 3Step L Forward, Step R Side Touch, Hold
4 5 6Step R Forward, Step L Side Touch, Hold
7 8 9Step L Back, Step R Side Touch, Hold
10 11 12Step R Back, Step L Side Touch, Hold
Wall 3 you do only sections 1 and 2 followed by the tag and a restart.
For the ending after section 6, Step L Side 1/4 left turn and you pivot one more 1/4 left turn to face
the 12 o'clock Wall, Step R Side Touch.