CopperKnob Stepsheets

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80's Baby

( 22 Votes)
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Phrased Advanced
Tim Johnson (UK) & Debbie Rushton (UK) - July 2020
Count In: Dance begins after 48 counts
Notes: A,B,C,D,D,A,C,A,B,C,A

(A) 1-8: Walk R, L, ¼ rock and cross, ¼, ¼, L cross and heel
1 - 2Walk forward R (1), Walk forward L (2)
3&4Making a ¼ turn to the left rock R to right side (3), recover weight L (&), cross R over L (4)
5 - 6Making a ¼ turn to the right step back on L (5), making a ¼ turn to the right step R to right side (6)
7&8Cross L over R (7), Step R to R (&), Touch L heel to left side (8)

(A) 9-16: & Cross & Cross, ¼, 1/2, L Coaster Step, Run R,L,R
&1&2Step L next to R (&) cross R over L (1) step L to L side (&) cross R over L (2)
3 - 4Making a ¼ turn to the left step forward L (3) making a ½ turn to the left step back R (4)
5&6Step back on L (5), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (6)
7&8Run forward: R (7), L (&), R (8)

(A) 17-24: L rock & cross, R hitch & sit, & cross side, ¼ sailor
1&2Rock L out to left side (1) step R next to L (&) cross L over R (2)
3&4Hitch up R knee (3) step right to R side (&) sit weight on to R hip (4)
&5 -6Step L next to R (&) cross R over L (5) step L to left side (6)
7&8Step R behind L (7) making a ¼ turn to the right stepping L to left side (&) recover weight on to R (8)

(A) 25-32: L kick & touch, ½ turn heel swivels, L point 1/4 , cross rock point
1&2Kick L forward (1) Step L next to R (&) step R forward (2)
3&4Making a ¼ to the left twist heels to the right (3) return heels to centre (&) making a ¼ to the left twist heels to the right (4) *you should now be facing 3 o'clock*
5 - 6Touch L back (5) taking weight on to L, make a ¼ turn to the left (6)
7&8Cross rock R over L (7) recover on L (&) point R to right side, weight stays on L (8)

(B) 1-8: Jazz box ¼, Kick & rock & slide, touch
1-2Cross R over L (1), 1/4 R Step L back (2)
3-4Step R to R (3), Cross L over R (4)
5&6&Kick R to right side (5) step down on R (&) rock L behind R (6) recover weight to R (&)
7-8Making an 1/8 of a turn left, step L to left side and drag R up to L (7) touch R next to L (8) *you should be facing 10:30

(B) 9-16: slide, touch, knee pops, slide, touch knee pops
1 -2Making a ¼ turn right step R to right side and drag L up to R (1) Touch L next to R (2) *facing 4:30
3 -4Pop right knee forward (3) pop left knee forward, weight on R (4)
5 -6Making an 1/4 turn left, step L to left side and drag R up to L (5) touch R next to L (6) *facing 10:30
7-8Pop left knee forward (7) pop right knee forward, weight on L (8)

(B) 17-24: cross R, ½ L,R,L, rock & coaster, jump
1 -2Making an 1/8 turn to the left cross R over left (1) making an 1/8 turn to the left, step forward L (2)
3-4Making an 1/8 turn to the left, step forward R (3) making a ¼ turn to the left, step forward L (4) *facing 6'o clock
5&6rock R forward (5) recover weight on L (&) Step R back (6)
&7-8step L next to R (&) step R forward (7) jump forward on both keep keeping weight even (8)

(B) 25-32: hip rolls & click, ball cross, ¼ , ¼ side drag
1 -2Roll hips to the R (1) click finger in right hand (2)
3-4Roll hips to the L (3) click finger in left hand (4)
&5-6Step R next to L (&) cross L over R (5) making a ¼ turn to the left step back on R (6)
7 -8Making a ¼ turn to the left, step L to left side and drag R up to L (7) touch R next to L (8)

(C) 1-8: R side rock recover, side together side, L side rock recover, side together side
1-2Rock R to right side as you pull left arm across chest to left side (1) recover weight on to L as you push left arm across chest to right side (2)
3&4step R to right side (3) step L next to R (&) step R to right side (4) *left arm is out in front with palm up, slowing traveling from right to left during the counts.
5-6Rock L to left side as you pull right arm across chest to right side (5) recover weight on to R as you push right arm across chest to left side (6)
7&8step L to left side (7) step R next to L (&) step L to left side (8) *right arm is out in front with palm up, slowing traveling from left to right during the counts.

(C) 9- 16: R roll back, L roll back, rock recover, ½ step turn step
1-2Touch R back (1) Body roll down ending with weight on R (2)
3 -4Touch L back (3) body roll down ending with weight on L (4)
5-6Rock back on R (5) Recover weight on L (6)
7&8Step forward on R (7) make a ½ turn left take weight on L (&) step forward R (8)

(C) 17 -24: slide touch, slide touch, sway L,R,L,R
1 -2Step L to left diagonal drag R up to L (1) raise left arm up with fist at head height, touch R next to L (2)
3 -4Keeping left arm up, step R to right diagonal drag L up to R (3) raise right arm up with fist at head height, touch L next to R
5 -6Step L to left side swaying hips to the left, arm sway to the left leading with the elbows (5) sway hips to the right, arms sway to the right leading with the elbows (6)
7 -8sway hips and arms left (7) sway hips and arms right (8)

(C) 25-32: Cross L, R Kick cross unwind, back R,L,R ½ L
1-2Cross L over R (1) Kick R to right diagonal (2)
3-4Cross R over L (4) unwind a full turn, transferring weight to L (5)
5-6Walk back R (5) walk back L (6)
7-8walk back R (7) make a ½ turn left stepping forward on L (8) *end facing 12

(D) 1-8: forward slides R,L reverse slides R,L
1-2Step R to right diagonal dragging L up to R (1) touch L next to R (2)
3-4Step L to left diagonal dragging R up to L (3) touch R next to L (4)
5-6Step back on R towards 4:30 dragging L up to R (5) touch L next to R (6)
7-8Step back on L towards 7:30 dragging R up to L (7) touch R next to L (8)

(D) 9-16: R sailor, L sailor, ¼ roll, ¼ roll
1&2Step R behind L (1) step L to left side (&) recover weight to R (2)
3&4Step L behind R (3) step R to right side (&) recover weight to L (4)
5-6Step R forward (5) making a ¼ turn to the left roll hips anticlockwise as you transfer weight to L (6)
7-8Step R forward (7) making a ¼ turn to the left roll hips anticlockwise as you transfer weight to L (8)

End of dance



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