CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Chihuahua 2021

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Judy Rodgers (USA) - January 2021
#32 count intro - (2 restarts, 1 tag)

S1: Mambo fwd, mambo back, paddle left 3 times & step down (1/2 turn left)
1&2Rock R fwd, recover L, step R back
3&4Rock L back, recover R, step L fwd
5&6&7&8Touch R turn L, touch R turn L, touch R turn L, step down R (total turn 1/2 left) 6:00

S2: Side together, shuffle L, cross rock turn 1/4 R, shuffle
1-2Step L to left side, step R beside L
3&4Shuffle left L R L
5&6Cross rock R over L, recover L, turn 1/4 right step R fwd 9:00
7&8Shuffle fwd L R L
**********Restart here on Wall 2 and wall 5

S3: Samba cross (X2), rock recover, triple turn 1/2 R
1a2Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover R
3a4Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover L
5-6Rock R fwd, recover L
7&8Triple 1/2 turn right stepping R L R 3:00

S4: Kick ball touch & touch, step/swivel, volta turn 3/4 L
1&2Kick L fwd, step on ball of L, touch R to right side
&3&4Step R beside L, touch L to left side, step L by R/swivel both feet right, center
5aStep L left diagonal across R, step on ball of R slightly behind L
6aTurn 1/4 left crossing L over R, step on ball of R slightly behind L
7aTurn 1/4 left crossing L over R, step on ball of R slightly behind L
8Turn 1/4 left step L fwd 6:00

**2 Restarts: Dance 16 counts on Wall 2 and Wall 5 and restart

Tag: At the end of Wall 7 (Instrumental), add the following 8 counts, then start the dance again
Tag: R side mambo, L side mambo, coaster step, stomp, hold
1&2Rock R to right side, recover L, step R beside L
3&4Rock L to left side, recover R, step L beside R
5&6Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd
7-8Stomp L, hold (styling on 7-8........ (throw up arms and shout 'chihuahua')

Yuan January 20, 2021
The music is cool.

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