Intro: 32 counts (approx. 15 secs)
S1 Side, drag, behind, cross, ¼ turn & step, ¼ turn & hitch, side, together
1-2Big step R to the right, drag L towards R
3-4Step L behind R (weight on ball), cross R over L
5-6Make ¼ turn left stepping L forward, make ¼ turn left (weight on L) hitching R
7-8Step R right, step L next to R 6:00
S2 ¼ turn & step, sweep, step, hook, big step back, drag, together, step
1-2Make ¼ turn right stepping R forward, sweep L back to front
3-4Step L forward, hook R behind L
5-6Big step back on R, drag L back towards R
7-8Step L next to R, step R forward 9:00
S3 Step, lock, step, hold, step, pivot ½ turn, step, lock
1-2Step L forward, lock R behind L
3-4Step L forward, hold
5-6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn left stepping L forward
7-8Step R forward, lock L behind R 3:00
S4 Step, point, step, point, jazz box cross
1-2Step R forward, point L to left
3-4Step L forward, point R to right
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
7-8Step to right, cross L over R 3:00
TAG: At the end of Wall 4, facing 12:00, add the following 8-count tag:
Side rock, recover, behind, side, cross rock, recover, side, cross
1-2Rock R to side, recover on L
3-4Cross R behind L, step L to side
5-6Cross rock R over L, recover on L
7-8Step R to side, cross L over R
S1 Side, drag, behind, cross, ¼ turn & step, ¼ turn & hitch, side, together
1-2Big step R to the right, drag L towards R
3-4Step L behind R (weight on ball), cross R over L
5-6Make ¼ turn left stepping L forward, make ¼ turn left (weight on L) hitching R
7-8Step R right, step L next to R 6:00
S2 ¼ turn & step, sweep, step, hook, big step back, drag, together, step
1-2Make ¼ turn right stepping R forward, sweep L back to front
3-4Step L forward, hook R behind L
5-6Big step back on R, drag L back towards R
7-8Step L next to R, step R forward 9:00
S3 Step, lock, step, hold, step, pivot ½ turn, step, lock
1-2Step L forward, lock R behind L
3-4Step L forward, hold
5-6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn left stepping L forward
7-8Step R forward, lock L behind R 3:00
S4 Step, point, step, point, jazz box cross
1-2Step R forward, point L to left
3-4Step L forward, point R to right
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
7-8Step to right, cross L over R 3:00
TAG: At the end of Wall 4, facing 12:00, add the following 8-count tag:
Side rock, recover, behind, side, cross rock, recover, side, cross
1-2Rock R to side, recover on L
3-4Cross R behind L, step L to side
5-6Cross rock R over L, recover on L
7-8Step R to side, cross L over R