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The Power of The Dream

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Ranny Kusumawardhani (INA) & Julee Hansel (INA) - December 2020
The Power of the Dream - CΓ©line Dion
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Restart : at wall 2
Tag 1 : 14 counts (at wall 3 & 5)
Tag 2 : 3 counts (at wall 7)
Ending : 2 counts (at wall 10)

Intro music. 16 count

Section 1 - Step Fwd-Sweep, Cross-Side, Step Behind-Sweep, Cross-Side, 1/8 Turn-Step Fwd, Recover-Step Back, Step Back- Recover, 1/2 Turn-Step Back
1 - 2 & Step L fwd while sweeping R from back to front (1), Cross R over L (2), Step L to side (&)
3 - 4 & Step R behind L while sweeping L from front to back (3), Step L behind R (4), Step R to side (&)
5 - 6 & Turn 1/8 to right (1.30) & step L fwd (5), Recover on R (6), Step L to back (&)
7 - 8 & Step R back (angling body to 4.30) (7), Recover on L (8), Turn 1/2 to left & step R back (7.30) (&)

Section 2 - Turn 5/8-Hitch, Run Fwd (R L), Lunge, Recover, Run Backward (R L), Turn 1/4-Step Side, Turn 1/4-3 Steps Turn
1 - 2 & Turn 5/8 to left & step L fwd while hitching R knee (9.00) (1), Step R fwd (2), Step L fwd (&)
3 - 4 & Lunge on R (3), Recover on L (4), Step R back (&)
5 - 6 Step L back (5), Turn 1/4 to right & step R to side (12.00) (6)
7 - 8 & Turn 1/4 to left & step L fwd (09.00) (7), Turn 1/2 to left & step R back (3.00) (8), Turn 1/2 to left & step L fwd (9.00) (&)

Section 3 - Turn 1/4- Step Side, Basic NC (2x), Walk Fwd (R L), Turn 1/4- Step Side, Turn 1/4- 3 Steps Turn with Sweep
1 - 2 & Turn 1/4 to right & step R to side (6.00) (1), Step L slightly behind R (2), Cross R over L (&)
3 - 4 & Step L to side (3), Step R slightly behind L (4), Cross L over R (&)
5 - 7 Step R fwd (5), Step L fwd (6), Turn 1/4 to left & step R to side with head turning to 12.00 & a little bit bending on R (3.00) (7)
8 &1 Turn 1/4 to left & step L fwd (12.00) (8), Turn 1/2 to left & step R to back (6.00) (&), Turn 1/2 to left & step L fwd while sweeping R from back to front (12.00) (1)

Section 4 - Cross-Turn-Back, Recover-Turn-Back, Recover, Step Fwd with Hitch & Turn, Step Fwd
2&3 Cross R over L (2), Turn 1/4 to right & step L to back (3.00) (&), Step R back (3)
4&5 Recover on L (4), Turn 1/4 to left & step R back (12.00) (&), Step L back (5),
6-8 Recover on R (6), Step L fwd while turning 1/2 to left with R hitching (6.00) (7), Step R fwd (8)
RESTART - At wall 2, at section 2 (step changing on the count of 8)
7 - 8 & Turn 1/4 to left & step L fwd while sweeping R from back to front (09.00) (7), Turn 1/4 to left & step R to side (6.00) (8)

TAG 1(14 counts) - At wall 3 & 5 facing 12.00 (section 4 after count 4&)
Step Back-Recover-Step Fwd, Twinkle (2x), Curving Feather-Sway
1 - 3 Step L to back (1), Recover on R (2), Step L fwd (3)
4 & 5 Step fwd on R diagonal to left (10.30) (4), Step L to side squaring to 12.00 (&), Step slightly fwd on R diagonal to right (1.30) (5)
6 & 7 Step fwd on L (6), Step R to side squaring to 12.00 (&), Step slightly fwd on L diagonal to left (1.30) (7)
8 Squaring to 12.00 & step R fwd (8)

1 - 2 Turn 1/8 to right & step L fwd (1.30) (1), Turn 1/4 to right & step R fwd (4.30) (2)
3 - 4 Turn 1/8 to right & step L fwd (6.00) (3), Step R to side (4)
5 - 6 Recover on L & sway (5), Recover on R & sway (6)

TAG 2 (3 counts) - At wall 6 after section 2
1 - 3 Turn 1/4 to left and step R to side (6.00) (1), Recover on L & sway (2), Recover on R & sway (3)

ENDING - At wall 10, step changing at section 1 on counts of 7-8
7 - 8 Turn 5/8 to right & step R to side (7), Hold (8)

Happy dancing

This choreography is dedicated to our beloved teacher: alm. Deshimona (MLD Indonesia)
For further information, kindly contact us through:,
Facebook: Yulianti Gunawan, Ranny Kusumawardhani

Selvin December 19, 2020

Wei January 28, 2021
Lovely song with beautiful dancing πŸ’ƒ πŸ•Ί πŸ’ƒπŸ˜»πŸ‘πŸŒΊπŸ‘

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