Easy Improver
Start after 8 count
Step, hold, step, ½ turn, step, hold, full turn
1-4.Step R forward, hold, step L forward, ½ turn R
5-8.step L forward, hold, ½ turn L stepping back on R, ½ turn L stepping forward on L
Step, hold, side rock, recover, cross, hold, back, side (5 steps of a jazzbox with a hold and a cross)
1-4.step forward on R, hold, L side rock, recover R,
5-1.cross L over R, hold, step R back, step L to L, cross R over L
Hold, weave ¼ turn, hold, step, ½ turn,
2-4.Hold, step L to L, cross R behind L
5-8.¼ turn L step L forward, hold, step R forward, ½ turn L
Step, hold, step, hook, long step, hold, sailor ¼ turn L
1-4.step R forward, hold, step L forward, hook R behind L
5-1long step R, hold, cross L behind R, ¼ turn step R to R, step L to L
Hold, step, hitch, step, hold, coaster step
2-4.hold, step R forward, hitch L
5-8.step back on L, hold, step back on R, step L next to R
Counts 7,8 are the first 2 step of this coaster step, and count 1 of the dance completes the coaster step
Walls 2 and 7: After 32 counts.
Instead of stepping R to R - touch R next to L.
Wall 5: After 8 Counts
Step, hold, step, ½ turn, step, hold, full turn
1-4.Step R forward, hold, step L forward, ½ turn R
5-8.step L forward, hold, ½ turn L stepping back on R, ½ turn L stepping forward on L
Step, hold, side rock, recover, cross, hold, back, side (5 steps of a jazzbox with a hold and a cross)
1-4.step forward on R, hold, L side rock, recover R,
5-1.cross L over R, hold, step R back, step L to L, cross R over L
Hold, weave ¼ turn, hold, step, ½ turn,
2-4.Hold, step L to L, cross R behind L
5-8.¼ turn L step L forward, hold, step R forward, ½ turn L
Step, hold, step, hook, long step, hold, sailor ¼ turn L
1-4.step R forward, hold, step L forward, hook R behind L
5-1long step R, hold, cross L behind R, ¼ turn step R to R, step L to L
Hold, step, hitch, step, hold, coaster step
2-4.hold, step R forward, hitch L
5-8.step back on L, hold, step back on R, step L next to R
Counts 7,8 are the first 2 step of this coaster step, and count 1 of the dance completes the coaster step
Walls 2 and 7: After 32 counts.
Instead of stepping R to R - touch R next to L.
Wall 5: After 8 Counts