CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Charlie Boop

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Aurora de Jong (USA) - October 2020
Betty Boop (Remix) - Charlie Puth
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Dance begins after an 8 count intro

[1-8]: (traveling forward to the right diagonal, a little farther right than 1:30) R step, L step, R Charleston, R step pivot ¼ left
1-4 (facing the right diagonal, just slightly farther right than 1:30) step R forward (1), step L forward (2), step R forward (3), kick L forward (4)
5-8 step L back (5), touch R back (6), step R forward (bending knees slightly for styling) (7), pivot ¼ left (to a little farther left than 10:30) (straightening knees if you bent them)

[9-16]: (traveling forward to the left diagonal, a little farther left than 10:30) R shuffle forward, L Charleston, L step pivot ¼ right
1&2 step R forward (1), step L to R (&), step R forward (2)
3-4 step L forward (3), kick R forward (4)
5-8 step R back (1), touch L back (2), step L forward (3), pivot ¼ (back to the right diagonal)

[17-24]: L cross back left L side shuffle, R cross back ¼ turn right side shuffle
1-2 cross L over R squaring back up to 12:00 (1), step R back (2)
3&4 step L to left (3), step R to L (&), step L to left (4)
5-6 cross R over L (5), step L back, beginning a ¼ turn left (6),
7&8 step R to right completing ¼ right (3:00) (7), step L to R (&), step R to right (8)

[25-32]: 1/8 right L side shuffle, ¼ right R side shuffle, step L to left turning 1/8 right,
touch R to right, R kick ball change
1&2 step L to left turning 1/8 (4:30) (1), step R to L (&), step L to left (2)
3&4 step R to right turning ¼ (7:30) (3), step L to R (&) step R to right (4)
5-6 step L to left turning 1/8 to the right (9:00) (5), drag R and touch R to L (6)
7&8 kick R forward (7), step on ball of R foot (&), recover to L (8)

[33-40]: R step pivot ½, R step pivot ½, R lindy
1-4 step R forward (1), pivot ½ to left, transferring weight to L (3:00) (2), step R forward (3), pivot ½ to left, transferring weight to R (9:00) (4)
5&6 step R to right (5), step L to R (&), step R to right (6)
7-8 rock L behind R (7), recover to R (8)

[41-48]: L step left, R rock back and recover, R step right L rock back and recover, L side shuffle
1-4 step L to left (1), rock R back (2), recover to L (3), step R to right (4)
5-6 rock L behind R (5), recover to R (6)
7&8 step L to left (7), step R to L (&), step L to left (8)

[49-56]: ¼ right R heel grind, R coaster, ¼ left L heel grind, L coaster
1-2 step R heel across L turning toes inward, and grind heel from right to left (1), step L back turning ¼ right (12:00) (2)
3&4 step R back (3), step L to R (&), step R forward (4)
5&6 step L heel across R turning toes inward, and grind heel from left to right (5), step R back turning ¼ left (9:00) (6)
7&8 step L back (7), step R to L (&), step L forward (8)

[57-64]: R rock forward and recover, R sailor, L sailor, R scuff forward, R kick forward, R kick side
1-2 rock R forward (1), recover to L (2)
3&4 step R behind L (3), step L to left (&), step R to right (4)
5&6 step L behind R (5), step R to right (&), step L to left (6)
7&8 scuff R forward (7), kick R forward (&), kick R to right (8)

There is an 8 count tag (Tag A) after wall 1
There is a 4 count tag (Tag B) after walls 3 and 4 and 6 (end of dance)
There is a 16 count tag (Tag C) after the 4 count Tag B on wall 3
[8 count Tag A]: Walk around in a full circle to the right for 8 counts starting with the R foot.
[4 count Tag B:] R side rock, R back rock
Counts 1-4: Rock R to right (1), recover to L (2), rock R back (3), recover to L (4)
[16 count Tag C]: Walk around in a full circle to the right for 8 counts, starting with the R foot, then walk around in a full circle to the left for 8 counts, starting with the R foot (you'll be making a full figure 8, starting and finishing at the same wall)

To end dance (end of wall 6) you will be facing the back wall (6:00). When doing the last kick (count 32), sweep your leg ½ turn right, to 12:00 and finish with one final 4 count Tag B!

KAW November 2, 2020
Looking good, 2 in the morning and up going over Hallelujah. LOL see you at 10:30

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