Intro: 8 counts
Vine R/L
1-4Step R, Lf behind R, Step R, touch L to R
5-8Step L, Rf behind L, Step L, touch R to L
Walk forward 4c, back 4c
1-4Walk forward R/L/R touch L
5-8Walk back L/R/L/ touch R
Rocking chair, Pivot ¼ 2x turning L
1-4Step Rf front, rock back on L, step back on R, return to Lf
5-8Step Rf front, pivot ¼ Lf, step front pivot ¼ Lf, facing back wall
Walk forward 4c, back 4c
1-4Walk forward R/L/R, touch L
5-8Walk back, L/R/L touch R
Tag: After 4th Wall:
Repeat rocking chair and Pivot front and back
Vine R/L
1-4Step R, Lf behind R, Step R, touch L to R
5-8Step L, Rf behind L, Step L, touch R to L
Walk forward 4c, back 4c
1-4Walk forward R/L/R touch L
5-8Walk back L/R/L/ touch R
Rocking chair, Pivot ¼ 2x turning L
1-4Step Rf front, rock back on L, step back on R, return to Lf
5-8Step Rf front, pivot ¼ Lf, step front pivot ¼ Lf, facing back wall
Walk forward 4c, back 4c
1-4Walk forward R/L/R, touch L
5-8Walk back, L/R/L touch R
Tag: After 4th Wall:
Repeat rocking chair and Pivot front and back