Dance begins after count 48 (on lyrics "talk to me…")
Step together, knee pop, side rock, recover, weave
1&2Step R next to L, lift heels slightly whilst popping both knees fwd, bring heels back down
3,4Rock R to R side, recover onto L
5,6,7,8Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R in front of L, step L to L side
Touch together, point R, step fwd, point L, step fwd, lock shuffle fwd
1,2,3,4Touch R next to L, point R out to R side, step R fwd, point L out to L side
5,6,7&8Step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd, bring R next to L, step L fwd
Rock, recover back, step back, touch, step back, touch, rock, recover fwd
1,2,3,4Rock R fwd, recover back onto L, step R back, touch L next to R
5,6,7,8Step L back, touch R next to L, rock R back, recover fwd onto L
Step fwd, 2x 1/8 paddle turns L, jazz box
1,2,3,4Step R fwd, pivot 1/8 L (10:30 - diagonal), step R fwd, pivot 1/8 L (9:00)
5,6,7,8Cross R over L, step L back, step R to R side, step L fwd
Step together, knee pop, side rock, recover, weave
1&2Step R next to L, lift heels slightly whilst popping both knees fwd, bring heels back down
3,4Rock R to R side, recover onto L
5,6,7,8Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R in front of L, step L to L side
Touch together, point R, step fwd, point L, step fwd, lock shuffle fwd
1,2,3,4Touch R next to L, point R out to R side, step R fwd, point L out to L side
5,6,7&8Step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd, bring R next to L, step L fwd
Rock, recover back, step back, touch, step back, touch, rock, recover fwd
1,2,3,4Rock R fwd, recover back onto L, step R back, touch L next to R
5,6,7,8Step L back, touch R next to L, rock R back, recover fwd onto L
Step fwd, 2x 1/8 paddle turns L, jazz box
1,2,3,4Step R fwd, pivot 1/8 L (10:30 - diagonal), step R fwd, pivot 1/8 L (9:00)
5,6,7,8Cross R over L, step L back, step R to R side, step L fwd