CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157923
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Promise Me Roses

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Easy Intermediate
Sue Fisher (AUS) & Margaret Warren (AUS) - September 2020
Planting Flowers - The Wrights
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Intro 16 counts: Start on the word Roses

Side Tog, Shuffle Fwd, Side Tog, Shuffle Back
1-2-3&4Step to side on R, step L beside R, shuffle fwd on R
5-6-7&8Step to side on L, step R beside L, shuffle back on L

Side Replace, Behind Replace, Side Replace, Toe Strut Cross
1-2-3-4Step to side on R, replace on L, rock R behind L, replace on L
5-6-7-8Rock to side on R, replace on L, R toe strut cross over L **

Side Replace, Behind Replace, Side Replace,Toe Strut Cross
1-2-3-4Step to side on L, replace on R, rock L behind, replace on R
5-6-7-8Rock to side on L, replace on R, L toe strut cross over R*

Rock Replace, ½ Turn R Shuffle, Rock Replace, ½ Turn L Shuffle
1-2-3&4Rock fwd on R, replace on L, ½ turn shuffle over R shoulder
5-6-7&8Rock fwd on L, replace on R, ½ turn shuffle over L shoulder

Side Replace, Behind, Side Cross, Side Replace, Sailor Step ¼ Turn L
1-2-3&4Step to side on R, replace on L, step R behind L, step L to side, cross R over L
5-6-7&8Step to side on L, replace on R, step L behind R turning ¼ L, step R beside L, step fwd on L

R Rocking Chair, R Reggae
1-2-3-4Rock fwd on R replace on L, rock back on R replace on L
5-6-7-8Cross R in front of L, step back on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L

R Rocking Chair, Paddle ¼ Turn L, R Kickball Change
1-2-3-4Rock fwd on R replace on L, rock back on R, Rock fwd on L
5-6-7&8Step fwd on R paddle ¼ L weight on L, kick R fwd, step R beside L ,replace weight on L

K Step
1-2-3-4Step R fwd to 45 dg R, touch L beside R. step L back to centre, touch R beside L
5-6-7-8Step R back to 45 dg R, touch L beside R, step L fwd to centre touch R beside L

Restart- Wall 5 facing front, dance to count 14, touch R beside L, hold **

Dance ends at front, after 6 counts on section 3, do toe strut beside R foot *

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