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Dance with me Tonight EZ

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Jim Collins (USA) - September 2020
Dance With Me Tonight - Olly Murs
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(start on vocals: "The name is Olly" at 20 seconds)

*NOTE: these steps were inspired by Karen Tripp's "Dance with me Tonight" from 2014

Section 1 [1-8] Right Heel, Step, Left Heel, Step , heel splits x 2
1-2tap right heel forward, replace next to left
3-4tap left heel forward, replace next to right
5-6(up on toes a bit) split heels out to sides, return to center
7-8repeat 5-6

Section II [9-16] Vine right, touch, out, in, out, in(touch)
9-12step right to side, step left behind, step right to side, touch left next to right
13-14touch left to left side, touch left next to right
15-16repeat 13-14

Section III [17-24] Vine left, out, in, out, in
17-20Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, touch right next to left
21-22touch right to right, touch next to left
23-24repeat 21-22

Section IV [25-32] Step right forward diagonal, touch left next to right, step left backward diagonal (turning ¼ left), touch right next to left, step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left
25-28Step right forward diagonal, touch left next to right, step left back, touch right next to left (turning ¼ left)
29-32Step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left

End of dance. Enjoy.


Stayin Alive September 21, 2020
Love the dance and the music. Thanks for the teach and the demo videos Jim. Great job!

Sara Elder August 17, 2023
I think Jim's Teach video would fit better to the dance by the same name choreographed by Karen Tripp. This EZ version is only 32 counts and I think Jim's has 64. Great dance! Great song!

Sara Elder August 17, 2023
Oops! I meant Kevin's Teach video, not Jim's.

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