Sec 1: Toe strut, toe strut, rock forward recover, rock back recover.
1-2Touch right toe forward, drop heel down.
3-4Touch left toe forward, drop heel down.
5-6Rock forward right, recover to left.
7-8Rock back right, recover to left. (12.00)
Sec 2: Step, turn, cross, hold, side behind, side, hold.
1-2Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left. (9.00)
3-4Cross right over left. Hold.
5-6Step left to left, cross right behind.
7-8Step left to left. Hold.
Sec 3: Cross recover, side recover, back recover, side, hold
1-2Cross right over left, recover to left.
3-4Rock right to right, recover to left.
5-6Rock right behind left, recover to left.
7-8Step right to right. Hold. (9.00)
Sec 4: Back lock back, hold, coaster step, step
1-2-3-4Step back left, lock right across, step back left. Hold
5-6-7Step back right, left together, forward right.
8Step forward on left. (9.00)
Restarts: Wall 3 and wall 8 dance first 16 counts and restart.
Tag & restart: wall 12 dance first 16 counts add hip sway to right for 2 counts and the left 2 counts and restart.
1-2Touch right toe forward, drop heel down.
3-4Touch left toe forward, drop heel down.
5-6Rock forward right, recover to left.
7-8Rock back right, recover to left. (12.00)
Sec 2: Step, turn, cross, hold, side behind, side, hold.
1-2Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left. (9.00)
3-4Cross right over left. Hold.
5-6Step left to left, cross right behind.
7-8Step left to left. Hold.
Sec 3: Cross recover, side recover, back recover, side, hold
1-2Cross right over left, recover to left.
3-4Rock right to right, recover to left.
5-6Rock right behind left, recover to left.
7-8Step right to right. Hold. (9.00)
Sec 4: Back lock back, hold, coaster step, step
1-2-3-4Step back left, lock right across, step back left. Hold
5-6-7Step back right, left together, forward right.
8Step forward on left. (9.00)
Restarts: Wall 3 and wall 8 dance first 16 counts and restart.
Tag & restart: wall 12 dance first 16 counts add hip sway to right for 2 counts and the left 2 counts and restart.